[comp.text.tex] Creating Magnifications

ldh@eedsp.gatech.edu (Lonnie D Harvel) (04/30/91)

Hello, as this question will demonstrate, I am a novice.

How do you build a magnification of a font, install it, and
use it in latex.  We need fonts in sizes beyond 1".  I have

cmmf '/mode=localmode; /mag=magstep9;' input cmr10

and it creates a gf font.  I then used

gftopk cmr10.????gf to convert the file to a pk font.

Is this correct so far?  Now what do I do with it?
How do I get latex to use it?

Thanks for any help


     The comments and spelling herein are mine and nobody
                     else lays claim to them.
Lonnie D. Harvel                 |  ldh@eedsp.gatech.edu