[comp.text.tex] CHEMTeX

dagli@omega.cs.psu.edu (11/24/90)

I have seen "chemTeX" at one of the FTP sites.
Can anyone tell me where can I get it from ?



dsolomon@argon.claremont.edu (05/01/91)

I am interested in contacting the authors of the CHEMTeX macros.  I just came
across them recently, but the readme file that is included with it only gives
their names, no email addresses -

	The macros were provided by
	Roswitha Haas, and published by Haas and O'Kane, Comput. Chem.
	(1987) 11:251-271, and should be acknowledged by users who produce
	finished manuscripts. Use the macros by adding chemtex to the document
	style options;

Any help here would be greatly appreciated.

		- Dan Solomon

dsolomon@hmcvax.claremont.edu   |  "No amount of planning will ever replace
dsolomon@jarthur.claremont.edu  |     dumb luck"  
"At that moment, an event--or is 'event' the word for it?--takes place which
cannot be described, and hence no attempt will be made to describe it."