[comp.text.tex] EFE

bed_gdg@SHSU.BITNET ("George D. Greenwade") (05/02/91)

This is being posted to both INFO-TeX and INFO-TPU, so I apologize if you
get inundated with this twice.  I promised (threatened?) to make available
the TPU code and command files for the EFE (Enhanced Feature EVE) editor
which Ken Selvia and I wrote a while back.  I have just finished putting it
up for access from FILESERV@SHSU.BITNET.
EFE is written in TPU and requires TPU 2.2 or higher, as well as VMS 5.0 or
higher.  It was originally compiled under VMS 5.0 and has subsequently been
recompiled under 5.3-1 and tested on 5.4-1 to verify it remains upwardly
compatible.  EFE's keyboard is similar to WPS, using GOLD-key logic in
defining GOLD (PF1) key combinations mapped to commands.  Among other
things, the command file which drives EFE supports automatic buffer journal
recovery from abnormally ended editing sessions, defines a symbol of the
previously edited filename so you do not have to continually specify the
filename when continually editing a file, and allows for a few local
options in defining how you want EFE to work.
EFE is not language sensitive, per se, although it does recognize certain
charactersitics based on file types.  It recognizes most of TeX-type
command structures on word breaks (i.e., a move-by-word, delete word, etc.,
in a document with a .TEX or a .STY extension to "\item" will move to the
"i" instead of the "\").  It inserts (GOLD-(, GOLD-{, GOLD-[, GOLD-<) and
matches (GOLD-X) delimiter pairs, knows what the appropriate comment
character is by file type (GOLD-RETURN), is capable of column cut (KP-) and
paste (KP,), provides alphanumeric sorting support (GOLD-A), allows for
right-justified ASCII files (GOLD-J), and a few other neat tricks (nearly
every key on the keyboard is mapped to a useful function via GOLD
combinations).  Limited support for DCL command, SAS, TPU, COBOL, and
FORTRAN filetypes is also present.
An interrupt process (GOLD-I) menu is provided so you can spawn from within
an editing session to VMS' MAIL and PHONE utilities, as well as DECalc, a
simple keypad calculator, a datebook, FLIST directory management, and a
user customization menu.  EFE uses user-customizable logicals to control
cursor binding and automatic toggling between screen widths on files with
lines in excess of 80 characters, if desired.  The interrupt process is
customizable by site, so you can put (or remove) anything there.
All of the files necessary to use EFE reside in FILESERV's EFE package.
This package is 26 VMS_SHARE files, which includes the TPU source for EFE,
(the logical definition and customizable interrupt controllers),
EFE$HELP.HLP (the help file GOLD-H points to; the closest thing to "true"
documentation EFE has at this point in time), and compressed VMS
executables in MFTU format for the keypad calculator and the datebook.
Also, a build file is provided to create EFE's TPU$SECTION file and its
on-line help library.  The file 00README.FIRST outlines what you need to
look for and do to customize the files to your site.
To get EFE, include the command:
in the body of a mail message to our file server, FILESERV@SHSU.BITNET.
To MFTU decode and decompress the VMS executables (not needed for editing;
these are in the interrupt process and can be ignored, if desired), you
will also need FILESERV's MFTU and LZW packages.  A build file is provided
to decode and decompress the VMS executables, but it relies on your having
MFTU and LZW available for it to utilize.  If you need either MFTU or LZW,
include the relevant command from below in your message to FILESERV:
FILESERV is capable of processing multiple requests in a single message, so
long as each command resides on a unique line in the body of the message.
For users wishing to retrieve these files via anonymous ftp, all are
available on niord.shsu.edu [].  The compressed backup saveset
of EFE (EFE.BCK_Z) is in the directory [FILESERV.EFE.FTP], the backup
saveset of the Macro-32 sources for MFTU (MFTU.BCK) is in the directory
[FILESERV.MFTU.FTP], and the executable for decompress (LZDCMP.EXE) is in
the directory [FILESERV.LZW].  A one-file VMS_SHARE set of the sources for
LZW are in the [FILESERV.LZW] directory as LZW_SOURCES.VMS_SHARE.
While I am not promising support, nor warranting EFE's use in any specific
application, I will be happy to hear about problems you encounter and try
to address them as best I can.  Certainly, any suggestions for enhancement
in future releases are also welcomed.
Regards,   George
George D. Greenwade, Ph.D.                            Bitnet:  BED_GDG@SHSU
Department of Economics and Business Analysis         THEnet: SHSU::BED_GDG
P. O. Box 2118                                        Voice: (409) 294-1266
Sam Houston State University                          FAX:   (409) 294-3612
Huntsville, TX 77341            Internet: bed_gdg%shsu.decnet@relay.the.net