[comp.text.tex] New FILESERV package listing option

bed_gdg@SHSU.BITNET ("George D. Greenwade") (05/02/91)

Due to the increasing size of the complete annotated directory of packages
available on FILESERV, I have added a new command feature which is similar
to VM-based LISTSERV's -- SENDME FILELIST.  This is not added to preclude
using an unmodified DIRECTORY (or LIST) command -- if you want a full list
and description of all files and all packages, please feel free to do so
(just be aware that this is a very large and growing listing -- nearly 67k
now!).  Instead, FILELIST was added to allow you to get information about
what specific packages you might want to look at.
Below is (a) a description of FILELIST's use and (b) the most current
FILELIST output.
Regards and thanks for your interest in our services,   George
George D. Greenwade, Ph.D.                            Bitnet:  BED_GDG@SHSU
Department of Economics and Business Analysis         THEnet: SHSU::BED_GDG
P. O. Box 2118                                        Voice: (409) 294-1266
Sam Houston State University                          FAX:   (409) 294-3612
Huntsville, TX 77341            Internet: bed_gdg%shsu.decnet@relay.the.net
FILELIST is a file containing a listing of all package names available from
FILESERV@SHSU.BITNET.  Each package has a one- or two-line description of
its contents.  Specific instructions about a package and lists of files
within packages are not included (this can be retrieved using the FILESERV
command LIST package_name).  FILELIST is provided to assist users in
searching for the existence of a package without the trouble of retrieving
the complete annotated directory listing of all packages.
To retrieve FILELIST, please include the command:
in the body of a mail message to FILESERV@SHSU.BITNET.
                    Listing of Packages Available from
The following is a brief description of all packages available on Sam
Houston State University's file server, FILESERV.  For a detailed listing
of the packages contents, please include the command:
LIST package_name_from_below
in the body of a mail message to FILESERV@SHSU.BITNET.  Naturally, you will
replace the string "package_name_from_below" with a package name from among
those listed below, such as "STY" (i.e., LIST STY)
Package Name       Brief description
ADDITIONS          Listing of most recent files added to FILESERV
AMSLATEX_DOC       AMS-LaTeX distribution; the doc subdirectory
AMSLATEX_FONTSEL   AMS-LaTeX distribution; fontsel subdirectory
AMSLATEX_INPUTS    AMS-LaTeX distribution; inputs subdirectory
DTK-L              DTK-L archives (DECtalk discussion list)
DVI2TTY            Files for DVI2TTY (for VMS)
DVIDVI             Files for DVIDVI (for VMS)
DVIPS547           Files for version 5.47 of DVIPS (for VMS)
DVITOLN03          Files for DVItoLN03 (for VMS)
EEPIC              Files for eepic (LaTeX Extensions to EPIC)
EFE                Files for EFE (Enhanced Feature EVE; for VMS)
EPIC               Files for epic (LaTeX Enhanced Picture Environment)
ESSENTIAL          Files for John Warbrick's "Essential LaTeX"
FAQ                comp.text.tex's "Frequently Asked Questions"
FEDTAX-L           FedTax-L archives (Federal Taxation and Accounting
                       discussion list)
GENTLE             Files for Michael Doob's "A Gentle Introduction to TeX"
INFO-TEX           INFO-TeX archives (TeX-related discussion list)
INFO-TPU           INFO-TPU archives (Text Processing Utility [TPU]
                       language discussion list)
LZW                Files for Lempel-Ziv-Welch file compression/decompression
                       (for VMS; output is optionally Unix-compatible)
MFTU               Files for Mail File Transfer Utility encoding/decoding
MODES              Files for Karl Berry's MODES.MF
POL-ECON           Pol-Econ archives (Political Economy discussion list)
REVTEX             Files for American Physical Society's REVTEX
STY                LaTeX style file archives
TEXHAX             TeXhax Digest archives
TEXMAG             TeXMaG archives
TEXSERVER          HELP file from TeXServer@TeX.ac.uk
TEX_PRIMER         Files for Joe St Sauver's "Using TeX on the VAX to
                       Typeset Documents: A Primer"
TPU                TPU source code archives
TROFFTOTEX         Files for TROFFtoTeX (LaTeX version)
TUGABS             Abstracts of TeX Users Group Proceedings for various years.
UKTEX              UKTeX Digest archives