[comp.text.tex] AmigaTeX

harlick@plains.UUCP (Ryan) (02/26/90)

Hello all.
I have recieved a implementation of Common TeX for the amiga.
I have two problems.  1. I need more fonts!  I have MetaFont for
my machine, but do not know how to use it to make fonts.  Please
help!  2. It comes with the program virtex and plain.fmt, how can
I get it to understand latex?  I realize that I need lplain.fmt but
didn't know that it needed to be compiled on my machine.  Could I
just load in the latex.tex as a macro for tex?  I understand that
this would take a large amount of memory, but I do have 3 meg available.

I guess that I have one more question.  Do the tfm fonts have to be
made on my machine also?  I have some from the St version and I don't think that they work correctly.  Anyway I need alot of help because I
am new to TeX.  Thank you very much for all replies.

			Yours Truly,
			Ryan Harlicker

gor@cs.strath.ac.uk (Gordon Russell) (01/09/91)

 Hi there...

   Is there anyone out there who can help me set up a full version of
TeX (or rather LaTeX) for my AMIGA computer. I have the following 


   I also have a set of *.mf and *.tfm files (taken from my local sun server).
Unfortunately I have been struggling to get anything working correctly. My
problems are mostly summerised as follows...

  (1) VIRTEX works sometimes with &PLAIN, but not reliably. In addition I 
      need information on how to get a LATEX (LPLAIN I beleve) document
      processed. What files do I need and how do I compile them.
  (2) Does anyone know how to set up the enviromental variables for searching
      more than one directory. I have tried seperating the directories
      with an exclamation mark and a comma, but to no affect. I am using
      workbench 1.3 SETENV with SHELL 4.01A.
  (3) Does anyone use a previewer? I am using SHOWDVI, but no matter what I
      set FLIBDIR,PKDIR,and DVICONFIG to the program never finds the fonts
      required, and instead puts up a reqestor for volume TEX:, which is
      not one of the disks to which I have assigned the env variables
      (nor actually have defigned).

All help would be appreciated. I have some documentation on the files, but
they are all in German (not one of my languages). I have little spare
money (I am a poor research student on a tiny grant) so if I require
additional software break it to me gently. Note that I do have FTP access to
other sites. Sorry if this is a repetitive question. 
Thanx in advance (email welcome)

Gordon Russell

kaarts@ccu.umanitoba.ca (Kenneth John Aarts) (05/08/91)

I have just recieved my AmigaTeX update today, but unfortunately the latex
disk was blank. I am trying to construct a latex.fmt, but I am having some
trouble. I am using initex on the lplain.tex file. Everything appears to go ok
up to the point where it says, 
	'Input any local modifications here.'
I can't seem to get past this point. If I just press return, I get another
prompt telling me to type '\end', but when I do this it just reports errors
about the \end command and goes in circles. Can someone please help me?

I would really hate to have to wait ANOTHER month for a reply to the letter I
sent Tomas Rokicki.