[comp.text.tex] Need help with absolute positioning in letterhead

msd@rrdstrad.nist.gov (Scott Dewey) (05/10/91)

Dear Experts,

For business letters, I use special NIST stationery.  My effort at a style
file that adds my address to the letterhead (it's based on an example I was
once given) follows:

% Add letterhead to \@texttop
\ifcase \@ptsize\relax   % 10pt option
\or  % 11pt option
\or  % 12pt option
Room E19, Building 235\hfill\break
TEL: 301-975-4843\hfill\break
FAX: 301-921-9847
\vskip 0pt plus .00006fil\relax\fi}

The problem with this is that my address doesn't always appear in *exactly*
the same place at the top of the paper.  Instead it's final position
depends slightly on the amount of text appearing on the first page.  It
doesn't surprise me that this happens given the complexity of what LaTeX
does with a document.  Can anyone suggest a better way to ensure that my
address always appears in the same place?  Whatever I do, it shouldn't
interfere with what LaTeX is trying to do with the rest of the letter.

NAME:   Dr. M. Scott Dewey             TELE: (301) 975-4843
DIVISION: Ionizing Radiation           INTERNET: msd@rrdstrad.nist.gov
USMAIL: NIST (formerly NBS)            BITNET: msd@nbsenh
        Rm. E-19, Bldg. 235
        Gaithersburg, MD  20899