[comp.text.tex] specials: dvilaser and tom rokicki's dvips

xiaofei@ACSU.BUFFALO.EDU (05/23/91)

>            The right column will be split   played equation  that  appears
>            when the equation                within it.   These  rules  are
>                                             ------------------------------
>               a^n = b^n + c^n +d^n + e^n + f^n + ... + z^n
>                                             ______________________________
>            appears  in  the left  column.   affected if the split  appears
>            Splitting  must   occur   with   on the top or bottom of a page.
>            horizontal  rules  to separate   The columns  must be  balanced
>            a split  column  from the dis-   and  may include single column
>            material that spans the entire page.

This problem has been solved by TUG 10#4 ``Inser in multicolumn ...''.
I have received the macros from the author and have been studying it.
I have recompiled dvips of Tom Rokicki with max. stack size change from
100 to 500 in order to process the macros. However there is a problem
I can not solve: to translate the \special written for DVILaser of AborText
to \special consistent with Tom Rokicki. The file containing all of specials:
This requires one knows both DVIlaser and Tom's dvips. However if you can
tell me what is meant in the following specials, I can try to make changes
myself. I am only familair with Tom's specials.

% psfigTeX macros
% All software, documentation, and related files in this distribution of
% psfig/tex are Copyright (c) 1987 Trevor J. Darrell
% Permission is granted for use and non-profit distribution of psfig/tex
% providing that this notice be clearly maintained, but the right to
% distribute any portion of psfig/tex for profit or as part of any commercial
% product is specifically reserved for the author.
% $Header: psfig.tex,v 1.7 87/01/19 15:55:27 trevor Exp $
\immediate\special{ps:plotfile #1 global}}
% @psdo control structure -- similar to Latex @for.
% I redefined these with different names so that psfig can
% be used with TeX as well as LaTeX, and so that it will not
% be vunerable to future changes in LaTeX's internal
% control structure,
\def\@psdo#1:=#2\do#3{\edef\@psdotmp{#2}\ifx\@psdotmp\@empty \else
\def\@psdoloop#1,#2,#3\@@#4#5{\def#4{#1}\ifx #4\@nnil \else
       #5\def#4{#2}\ifx #4\@nnil \else#5\@ipsdoloop #3\@@#4{#5}\fi\fi}
\def\@ipsdoloop#1,#2\@@#3#4{\def#3{#1}\ifx #3\@nnil
       \let\@nextwhile=\@psdonoop \else
\def\@tpsdo#1:=#2\do#3{\xdef\@psdotmp{#2}\ifx\@psdotmp\@empty \else
\def\@tpsdoloop#1#2\@@#3#4{\def#3{#1}\ifx #3\@nnil
       \let\@nextwhile=\@psdonoop \else
        %\typeout{draft level now is \@psdraft \space . }
        %\typeout{draft level now is \@psdraft \space . }
%%% These are for the option list.
%%% A specification of the form a = b maps to calling \@p@@sa{b}
\def\@p@@sfile#1{%\typeout{file is #1}
                %\typeout{bbllx is #1}
                %\typeout{bblly is #1}
                %\typeout{bburx is #1}
                %\typeout{bbury is #1}
                %\typeout{Height is \@p@sheight}
                %\typeout{Width is #1}
                %\typeout{Reserved height is #1}
                %\typeout{Reserved width is #1}
\def\@cs@name#1{\csname #1\endcsname}
% initialize the defaults (size the size of the figure)
                \@bbllxfalse \@bbllyfalse
                \@bburxfalse \@bburyfalse
                \@heightfalse \@widthfalse
                \@rheightfalse \@rwidthfalse
% Go through the options setting things up.
% Compute bb height and width
        \typeout{psfig: searching \@p@sfile \space  for bounding box}
                \read\ps@stream to \line@in
                \ifeof\ps@stream \not@eoffalse \fi
                %\typeout{ looking at :: \the\toks200 }
        \ifnot@eof \repeat
\long\def\bb@cull#1 #2 #3 #4 #5 {
        \dimen100=#2 bp\edef\@p@sbbllx{\number\dimen100}
        \dimen100=#3 bp\edef\@p@sbblly{\number\dimen100}
        \dimen100=#4 bp\edef\@p@sbburx{\number\dimen100}
        \dimen100=#5 bp\edef\@p@sbbury{\number\dimen100}
                \if@bbllx \else \no@bbtrue \fi
                \if@bblly \else \no@bbtrue \fi
                \if@bburx \else \no@bbtrue \fi
                \if@bbury \else \no@bbtrue \fi
                \ifno@bb \bb@missing \fi
                \ifno@bb \typeout{FATAL ERROR: no bb supplied or found}
                \advance\count203 by -\@p@sbbllx
                \advance\count204 by -\@p@sbblly
                %\typeout{ bbh = \@bbh, bbw = \@bbw }
% \in@hundreds performs #1 * (#2 / #3) correct to the hundreds,
%       then leaves the result in @result
\def\in@hundreds#1#2#3{\count240=#2 \count241=#3
                     \count100=\count240        % 100 is first digit #2/#3
                     \divide\count100 by \count241
                     \multiply\count101 by \count241
                     \advance\count240 by -\count101
                     \multiply\count240 by 10
                     \count101=\count240        %101 is second digit of #2/#3
                     \divide\count101 by \count241
                     \multiply\count102 by \count241
                     \advance\count240 by -\count102
                     \multiply\count240 by 10
                     \count102=\count240        % 102 is the third digit
                     \divide\count102 by \count241
                        \multiply\count201 by \count100
                        \advance\count205 by \count201
                        \divide\count201 by 10
                        \multiply\count201 by \count101
                        \advance\count205 by \count201
                        \divide\count201 by 100
                        \multiply\count201 by \count102
                        \advance\count205 by \count201
                % computing : width = height * (bbw / bbh)
                %\typeout{ \@p@sheight * \@bbw / \@bbh, = \@result }
                %\typeout{w from h: width is \@p@swidth}
                % computing : height = width * (bbh / bbw)
                %\typeout{ \@p@swidth * \@bbh / \@bbw = \@result }
                %\typeout{h from w : height is \@p@sheight}
                \if@rheight \else \edef\@p@srheight{\@p@sheight} \fi
                \if@rwidth \else \edef\@p@srwidth{\@p@swidth} \fi
% Compute any missing values
% \psfig
% usage : \psfig{file=, height=, width=, bbllx=, bblly=, bburx=, bbury=,
%                       rheight=, rwidth=, clip=}
% "clip=" is a switch and takes no value, but the `=' must be preset.
\def\psfig#1{\vbox {
        % do a zero width hard space so that a single
        % \psfig in a centering enviornment will behave nicely
        %{\setbox0=\hbox{\ }\ \hskip-\wd0}
                \typeout{psfig: including \@p@sfile \space }
                \special{ps::[begin]    \@p@swidth \space \@p@sheight \space
                                \@p@sbbllx \space \@p@sbblly \space
                                \@p@sbburx \space \@p@sbbury \space
                                startTexFig \space }
                        \special{ps:: \@p@sbbllx \space \@p@sbblly \space
                                \@p@sbburx \space \@p@sbbury \space
                                doclip \space }
                    \special{ps: plotfile \@prologfileval \space } \fi
                \special{ps: plotfile \@p@sfile \space }
                    \special{ps: plotfile \@postlogfileval \space } \fi
                \special{ps::[end] endTexFig \space }
                % Create the vbox to reserve the space for the figure
                \vbox to \@p@srheight true sp{
                        \hbox to \@p@srwidth true sp{
                % draft figure, just reserve the space and print the
                % path name.
                \vbox to \@p@srheight true sp{
                        \hbox to \@p@srwidth true sp{