Three files composing an enhanced emacs lisp TeX mode have been installed on ymir.claremont.edu in the directory [anonymous.tex.utilities.emacs-modes] The files are auc-tex.el, minor-map.el and outline-m.el. The files were FTP'd from iesd.auc.dk on 22 May 1991. The following is from the original announcement in comp.text.tex: If anyone is Interested, I've made a much enchanced LaTeX mode for Emacs. The features discussed here concerning the ability to run both a printer driver and a previewer are there. Also BibTeX and Makeindex are bound to seperate keys. But thats not all. I've also made a parser, for the (La)TeX output, so that the errors may be parsed. That means, pressing C-c C-n (TeX-next-error), will move the cursor to the file and position of the given error. Using this feature all errormessages are documented - online. I got most of this documentation from Leslie. The distribution package comes with a minor-outline-mode, an outlinemode that can run under LaTeX mode. Other features: Intelligent macros for often used controlsequences like Intelligent macros for often used controlsequences like \section{ ... } and anvironments. Indentation by environments -dh -- Don Hosek | To retrieve files from ymir via the mailserver, dhosek@ymir.claremont.edu | send a message to mailserv@ymir.claremont.edu Quixote Digital Typography | with a line saying send [DIRECTORY]FILENAME 714-625-0147 | where DIRECTORY is the FTP directory (sans ---------------------------+ "anonymous") and FILENAME is the filename, e.g. "send [tex]00readme.txt". There is a list of files in each directory under the name 00files.txt. Binary files are not available by this technique.