A small patch has been applied to ega2mf.c and vga2mf.c to allow those programs to be compiled with VAX C (and possibly others). The following files have been affected: ymir.claremont.edu:[anonymous.tex.mf.ega2mf]ega2mf.c ymir.claremont.edu:[anonymous.tex.mf.ega2mf]vga2mf.c ymir.claremont.edu:[anonymous.tex.mf.ega2mf]00readme.txt The patches were received from Brian Hamilton Kelly and applied manually to the programs. The following is the update to 00readme.txt: % 91/05/24 Brian {Hamilton Kelly}, checking that the programs would work % under VAX/VMS, replaced the line reading FILE *f1,*f2; % in each source with these lines FILE *f1=(FILE *) NULL; FILE *f2=(FILE *) NULL; % (In C, there's no guarantee that automatic variables will have _any_ % particular value, let alone the (FILE *)NULL that was necessary here % with the method the program uses to prompt for missing command-line % arguments. Perhaps he was just lucky with his Unix & DOS :-) -dh Don Hosek | To retrieve files from ymir via the mailserver, dhosek@ymir.claremont.edu | send a message to mailserv@ymir.claremont.edu Quixote Digital Typography | with a line saying send [DIRECTORY]FILENAME 714-625-0147 | where DIRECTORY is the FTP directory (sans ---------------------------+ "anonymous") and FILENAME is the filename, e.g. "send [tex]00readme.txt". There is a list of files in each directory under the name 00files.txt. Binary files are not available by this technique.