[comp.text.tex] INFO-TeX routine posting

bed_gdg@SHSU.BITNET (George D. Greenwade) (01/02/91)

Best wishes for the new year and last decade of the millennium!
Please note new topic six below.  -- GDG
This is a routine posting you will see from time to time on INFO-TeX.
While we appreciate your subscription to INFO-TeX and welcome your input,
there are a few things to remember.

First, if you should ever wish to have your name removed from the list of
subscribers and no longer receive INFO-TeX, please send a MAIL message to
stating in the text of the MAIL:
      % Please do NOT send the SIGNOFF message to the list address, %
      % INFO-TeX@SHSU.BITNET, as this is the redistribution address %
      % for the list.  All posting to INFO-TeX are distributed to   %
      % its worldwide list of subscribers.                          %
      % Please note that the LISTSERV which serves INFO-TeX is MAIL %
      % oriented only and is not conventional interactive LISTSERV. %
Please remember to SIGNOFF of INFO-TeX should you have reason to lose or
give up your account.

Second, the use of a brief and descriptive subject header for your messages
is encouraged.  A subject such as "Help" is not very informative, while a
subject such as "Help with centering" or "Help: centering in tabular" is
very informative and useful.

Third, the Reply-to: address for INFO-TeX is the original author and not
INFO-TeX.  Thus, if you wish to answer a question for the entire audience
of subscribers, please post a copy to INFO-TeX@SHSU.BITNET along with your

Fourth, if you have posed a question to INFO-TeX and have received answers
which address your problem, please post a summary of replies back to the
list.  Such summary postings will be appreciated by the subscribers as they
will be enabled to follow your problem and not wonder, "what about the post
regarding ...?"  Also, these postings often provide for yet further
extensions of the original question.  A suggested summary subject header is
the original subject followed by the word "Summary", such as
"Help: centering in tabular - Summary"

Fifth, the archives of INFO-TeX are maintained at FILESERV@SHSU.BITNET.
To get a copy of any month's postings, send MAIL to FILESERV@SHSU.BITNET
with the message:
where "yyyy" is the year and "mm" is the numeric representation of the
month.  For example, the message SENDME INFO-TeX.1990-12 will access the
archives for December, 1990.

Sixth, FILESERV@SHSU.BITNET also supports a developing LaTeX style file
collection.  This service is being added, slowly but surely, for your use
and convenience.  To get a brief annotated listing of the current holdings
and brief instructions on retrieving the files in the STY collection, send
MAIL to FILESERV@SHSU.BITNET with the message:
Further information about FILESERV can be obtained from a HELP message.
*NOTE:  If you would like to assist in development by adding a file to the
STY collection, please MAIL it to STY-Mgr@SHSU.BITNET.

Finally, please feel free to post to the list.  It is provided to assist you
with TeX-related problems.  No question is "too simple"; questions which are
"too hard" lead to doctoral dissertations and new products.

If you have any questions, comments, or suggestions about INFO-TeX, please
contact the list owner at any of the addresses below.
George D. Greenwade, Ph.D.                            Bitnet:  BED_GDG@SHSU
Department of Economics and Business Analysis         THEnet: SHSU::BED_GDG
P. O. Box 2118                                        Voice: (409) 294-1266
Sam Houston State University                          FAX:   (409) 294-3612
Huntsville, TX 77341     Internet: bed_gdg%shsu.bitnet@utadnx.cc.utexas.edu
INFO-TeX data: Announced   -- November 28, 1990
               Subscribers -- December 31, 1990: 132
               Postings    -- December, 1990:     35
INFO-TeX FILESERV use      -- December, 1990:    114 transfers

bed_gdg@SHSU.BITNET ("George D. Greenwade") (03/04/91)

                  ** CHANGE FROM PRIOR "Routine Messages" **
This is a routine posting you will see from time to time on INFO-TeX.
While we appreciate your subscription to INFO-TeX and welcome your input,
there are a few things to remember.
First, if you should ever wish to have your name removed from the list of
subscribers and no longer receive INFO-TeX, please send a MAIL message to
stating in the text of the MAIL:
      % Please do NOT send the SIGNOFF message to the list address, %
      % INFO-TeX@SHSU.BITNET, as this is the redistribution address %
      % for the list.  All posting to INFO-TeX are distributed to   %
      % its worldwide list of subscribers.                          %
      % Please note that the LISTSERV which serves INFO-TeX is MAIL %
      % oriented only and is not conventional interactive LISTSERV. %
Please remember to SIGNOFF of INFO-TeX should you have reason to lose or
give up your account.
Second, the use of a brief and descriptive subject header for your messages
is encouraged.  A subject such as "Help" is not very informative, while a
subject such as "Help with centering" or "Help: centering in tabular" is
very informative and useful.
Third, the Reply-to: address for INFO-TeX is now configured to INFO-TeX.
Thus, all replies not specifically addressed will be forwarded to the entire
audience of subscribers.
Fourth, if you have posed a question to INFO-TeX and have received answers
which address your problem, please post a summary of replies back to the
list.  Such summary postings will be appreciated by the subscribers as they
will be enabled to follow your problem and not wonder, "what about the post
regarding ...?"  Also, these postings often provide for yet further
extensions of the original question.  A suggested summary subject header is
the original subject followed by the word "Summary", such as
"Help: centering in tabular - Summary"
Fifth, the archives of INFO-TeX are maintained at FILESERV@SHSU.BITNET.
To get a copy of any month's postings, send MAIL to FILESERV@SHSU.BITNET
with the message:
where "yyyy" is the year and "mm" is the numeric representation of the
month.  For example, the message SENDME INFO-TeX.1990-12 will access the
archives for December, 1990.
Sixth, FILESERV@SHSU.BITNET also supports a developing LaTeX style file
collection.  This service is being added, slowly but surely, for your use
and convenience.  To get a brief annotated listing of the current holdings
and brief instructions on retrieving the files in the STY collection, send
MAIL to FILESERV@SHSU.BITNET with the message:
        | If you would like to assist in the development of this   |
        | repository by contributing a file to the STY collection, |
        | please MAIL it to STY-Mgr@SHSU.BITNET.                   |
FILESERV also has a number of other TeX-related packages and files
available.  To get an annotated listing of all packages and files available,
send the command DIRECTORY in a MAIL message to FILESERV@SHSU.BITNET.
Further information about FILESERV can be obtained from a HELP message.
Finally, please feel free to post to the list.  It is provided to assist you
with TeX-related problems.  No question is "too simple"; questions which are
"too hard" lead to doctoral dissertations and new products.
If you have any questions, comments, or suggestions about INFO-TeX, please
contact the list owner at any of the addresses below.
George D. Greenwade, Ph.D.                            Bitnet:  BED_GDG@SHSU
Department of Economics and Business Analysis         THEnet: SHSU::BED_GDG
P. O. Box 2118                                        Voice: (409) 294-1266
Sam Houston State University                          FAX:   (409) 294-3612
Huntsville, TX 77341            Internet: bed_gdg%shsu.decnet@relay.the.net
INFO-TeX data: Announced   -- November 28, 1990
               Subscribers -- January 31, 1991: 218
               Postings    -- January, 1991:     78
FILESERV use for INFO-TeX  -- January, 1991:  5,600 transfers (approximate)

dong@neudec.umiacs.umd.edu (Dong Chen) (03/04/91)

In article <009450ff.e1d39700.23744@SHSU.BITNET> INFO-TeX@SHSU.BITNET writes:
>This is a routine posting you will see from time to time on INFO-TeX.
>While we appreciate your subscription to INFO-TeX and welcome your input,
>there are a few things to remember.
>Third, the Reply-to: address for INFO-TeX is now configured to INFO-TeX.
>Thus, all replies not specifically addressed will be forwarded to the entire
>audience of subscribers.

I didn't subscribt INFO-TeX, and I don't want to.
But I keep getting it.:-(
I strongly feel the administrator of this mail-sever should add a oneway
filter to their package OR take the link off this news group comp.text.tex.
I am tired of keeping reading people's sign-on sign-off.
I am sure many netter feel the same way.

Dong Chen

bed_gdg@SHSU.BITNET ("George D. Greenwade") (04/01/91)

   ** Item seven (regarding TeX-Pubs) is the main update of this post **
This is a routine posting you will see from time to time on INFO-TeX.
While we appreciate your subscription to INFO-TeX and welcome your input,
there are a few things to remember.
First, if you should ever wish to have your name removed from the list of
subscribers and no longer receive INFO-TeX, please send a MAIL message to
stating in the text of the MAIL:
      % Please do NOT send the SIGNOFF message to the list address, %
      % INFO-TeX@SHSU.BITNET, as this is the redistribution address %
      % for the list.  All posting to INFO-TeX are distributed to   %
      % its worldwide list of subscribers.                          %
      % Please note that the LISTSERV which serves INFO-TeX is MAIL %
      % oriented only and is not conventional interactive LISTSERV. %
Please remember to SIGNOFF of INFO-TeX should you have reason to lose or
give up your account.
Second, the use of a brief and descriptive subject header for your messages
is encouraged.  A subject such as "Help" is not very informative, while a
subject such as "Help with centering" or "Help: centering in tabular" is
very informative and useful.
Third, the Reply-to: address for INFO-TeX is configured to the original
sender of the message and not to INFO-TeX.  All replies not specifically
addressed will be forwarded to only the original poster and not the entire
audience of INFO-TeX subscribers.  If you would like your response to be
sent to the list of subscribers, please send a copy to INFO-TeX@SHSU.BITNET.
Fourth, if you have posed a question to INFO-TeX and have received answers
which address your problem, please post a summary of replies back to the
list.  Summary postings will be appreciated by the subscribers as they will
be enabled to follow your problem and not wonder, "what about the post
regarding ...?"  Also, these postings often provide for further extensions
of the original question.  A suggested summary subject header is the
original subject followed by the word "Summary", such as "Help: centering in
tabular - Summary"
Fifth, the archives of INFO-TeX are maintained on our file server,
FILESERV@SHSU.BITNET (note that this is FILEserv and not LISTserv). To get a
copy of any month's postings, send MAIL to FILESERV@SHSU.BITNET with the
where "yyyy" is the year and "mm" is the numeric representation of the
month.  For example, the message SENDME INFO-TeX.1990-12 will access the
archives for December, 1990.
Sixth, FILESERV@SHSU.BITNET also supports a developing LaTeX style file
collection.  This service is being added, slowly but surely, for your use
and convenience.  To get a brief annotated listing of the current holdings
and brief instructions on retrieving the files in the STY collection, send
MAIL to FILESERV@SHSU.BITNET with the message:
        | If you would like to assist in the development of this   |
        | repository by contributing a file to the STY collection, |
        | please MAIL it to STY-Mgr@SHSU.BITNET.                   |
FILESERV also has a number of other TeX-related packages and files
available.  To get an annotated listing of all packages and files available,
send the command DIRECTORY in a MAIL message to FILESERV@SHSU.BITNET.
Further information about FILESERV can be obtained from a HELP message.
Seventh, Sam Houston State University supports another list which INFO-TeX
subscribers may be interested in -- TeX-Pubs.  TeX-Pubs is a redistribution
list for TeX-related electronic-format periodicals, including TeXhax, UKTeX,
TeXMaG, and Bobby Bodenheimer's "Frequently Asked Questions" from
comp.text.tex.  TeX-Pubs provides subscribers with a single address for
handling the administrative details associated with a subscription to each
of these journals, so you will need to subscribe or signoff only once
instead of multiple times.  TeX-Pubs will provide you with copies of each of
these electronic digests as soon as they are received for forwarding. To
subscribe to TeX-Pubs, please include the command:
in the body of a MAIL message to LISTSERV@SHSU.BITNET (Note: this is a
list-related request, so it goes to LISTserv; file related requests, such
as archives, styles, and packages discussed above go to FILEserv).
Eighth, the TeX Users Group (TUG) is a worldwide users group devoted to
developments and applications of TeX.  While membership in TUG is by no
means required for participation on INFO-TeX, it is encouraged due to the
wealth of information and services TUG can provide.  TUG publishes TUGboat,
has available a large library of ancillary guides and documents for
TeX-related applications, and sponsors a number of seminars, meetings, and
classes annually.  For more information regarding TUG, please contact
Charlotte Laurendeau at:
    TeX Users Group
    P.O. Box 9506
    Providence, RI 02940 USA
    Tel: (401) 751-7760
    Fax: (401) 751-1071
    Email: cvl@math.ams.com
Please include your full name and a complete mailing address in your
communication with Charlotte.
Finally, please feel free to post to the list.  It is provided to assist you
with TeX-related problems.  INFO-TeX is echoed to USENET's comp.text.tex
newsgroup, so a very wide audience of skilled listeners is available for
responding to posts on INFO-TeX.  No question is "too simple"; questions
which are "too hard" lead to doctoral dissertations and new products.
If you have any questions, comments, or suggestions about INFO-TeX, please
contact the list owner at any of the addresses below.
George D. Greenwade, Ph.D.                            Bitnet:  BED_GDG@SHSU
Department of Economics and Business Analysis         THEnet: SHSU::BED_GDG
P. O. Box 2118                                        Voice: (409) 294-1266
Sam Houston State University                          FAX:   (409) 294-3612
Huntsville, TX 77341            Internet: bed_gdg%shsu.decnet@relay.the.net
INFO-TeX data: Announced   -- November 28, 1990
               Subscribers -- March 31, 1991: 186
               Postings    -- March, 1991:    161
FILESERV use for INFO-TeX  -- March, 1991:  3,148 transfers

bed_gdg@SHSU.BITNET ("George D. Greenwade") (05/01/91)

This is a routine posting you will see from time to time on INFO-TeX.
While we appreciate your subscription to INFO-TeX and welcome your input,
there are a few things to remember.
First, if you should ever wish to have your name removed from the list of
subscribers and no longer receive INFO-TeX, please send a MAIL message to
stating in the text of the MAIL:
      % Please do NOT send the SIGNOFF message to the list address, %
      % INFO-TeX@SHSU.BITNET, as this is the redistribution address %
      % for the list.  All posting to INFO-TeX are distributed to   %
      % its worldwide list of subscribers.                          %
      % Please note that the LISTSERV which serves INFO-TeX is MAIL %
      % oriented only and is not conventional interactive LISTSERV. %
Please remember to SIGNOFF of INFO-TeX should you have reason to lose or
give up your account.
Second, the use of a brief and descriptive subject header for your messages
is encouraged.  A subject such as "Help" is not very informative, while a
subject such as "Help with centering" or "Help: centering in tabular" is
very informative and useful.
Third, the Reply-to: address for INFO-TeX is configured to the original
sender of the message and not to INFO-TeX.  All replies not specifically
addressed will be forwarded to only the original poster and not the entire
audience of INFO-TeX subscribers.  If you would like your response to be
sent to the list of subscribers, please send a copy to INFO-TeX@SHSU.BITNET.
Fourth, if you have posed a question to INFO-TeX and have received answers
which address your problem, please post a summary of replies back to the
list.  Summary postings will be appreciated by the subscribers as they will
be enabled to follow your problem and not wonder, "what about the post
regarding ...?"  Also, these postings often provide for further extensions
of the original question.  A suggested summary subject header is the
original subject followed by the word "Summary", such as "Help: centering in
tabular - Summary"
Fifth, the archives of INFO-TeX are maintained on our file server,
FILESERV@SHSU.BITNET (note that this is FILEserv and not LISTserv). To get a
copy of any month's postings, send MAIL to FILESERV@SHSU.BITNET with the
where "yyyy" is the year and "mm" is the numeric representation of the
month.  For example, the message SENDME INFO-TeX.1990-12 will access the
archives for December, 1990.
Sixth, FILESERV@SHSU.BITNET also supports a developing LaTeX style file
collection.  This service is being added, slowly but surely, for your use
and convenience.  To get a brief annotated listing of the current holdings
and brief instructions on retrieving the files in the STY collection, send
MAIL to FILESERV@SHSU.BITNET with the message:
        | If you would like to assist in the development of this   |
        | repository by contributing a file to the STY collection, |
        | please MAIL it to STY-Mgr@SHSU.BITNET.                   |
FILESERV also has a number of other TeX-related packages and files
available.  To get an annotated listing of all packages and files available,
send the command DIRECTORY in a MAIL message to FILESERV@SHSU.BITNET.
Further information about FILESERV can be obtained from a HELP message.
Seventh, Sam Houston State University supports another list which INFO-TeX
subscribers may be interested in -- TeX-Pubs.  TeX-Pubs is a redistribution
list for TeX-related electronic-format periodicals, including TeXhax, UKTeX,
TeXMaG, and Bobby Bodenheimer's "Frequently Asked Questions" from
comp.text.tex.  TeX-Pubs provides subscribers with a single address for
handling the administrative details associated with a subscription to each
of these journals, so you will need to subscribe or signoff only once
instead of multiple times.  TeX-Pubs will provide you with copies of each of
these electronic digests as soon as they are received for forwarding. To
subscribe to TeX-Pubs, please include the command:
in the body of a MAIL message to LISTSERV@SHSU.BITNET (Note: this is a
list-related request, so it goes to LISTserv; file related requests, such
as archives, styles, and packages discussed above go to FILEserv).
Eighth, the TeX Users Group (TUG) is a worldwide users group devoted to
developments and applications of TeX.  While membership in TUG is by no
means required for participation on INFO-TeX, it is encouraged due to the
wealth of information and services TUG can provide.  TUG publishes TUGboat,
has available a large library of ancillary guides and documents for
TeX-related applications, and sponsors a number of seminars, meetings, and
classes annually.  For more information regarding TUG, please contact:
    TeX Users Group
    P.O. Box 9506
    Providence, RI 02940 USA
    Tel: (401) 751-7760
    Fax: (401) 751-1071
    E-mail: tug@math.ams.com
Please include your full name and a complete mailing address. If you have
inquiries regarding the courses offered by TUG  or its annual meeting,
please contact Charlotte Laurendeau <cvl@math.ams.com>.
Finally, please feel free to post to the list.  It is provided to assist you
with TeX-related problems.  INFO-TeX is echoed to USENET's comp.text.tex
newsgroup, so a very wide audience of skilled listeners is available for
responding to posts on INFO-TeX.  No question is "too simple"; questions
which are "too hard" lead to doctoral dissertations and new products.
If you have any questions, comments, or suggestions about INFO-TeX, please
contact the list owner at any of the addresses below.
George D. Greenwade, Ph.D.                            Bitnet:  BED_GDG@SHSU
Department of Economics and Business Analysis         THEnet: SHSU::BED_GDG
P. O. Box 2118                                        Voice: (409) 294-1266
Sam Houston State University                          FAX:   (409) 294-3612
Huntsville, TX 77341            Internet: bed_gdg%shsu.decnet@relay.the.net
INFO-TeX data: Announced   -- November 28, 1990
               Subscribers -- April 30, 1991: 189
               Postings    -- April, 1991:     44
FILESERV use for INFO-TeX  -- April, 1991:  5,466 transfers

bed_gdg@NIORD.SHSU.EDU ("George D. Greenwade") (06/01/91)

This is a routine posting you will see from time to time on INFO-TeX.
While we appreciate your subscription to INFO-TeX and welcome your input,
there are a few things to remember.

First, if you should ever wish to have your name removed from the list of
subscribers and no longer receive INFO-TeX, please send a MAIL message to
stating in the text of the MAIL:
      % Please do NOT send the SIGNOFF message to the list address, %
      % INFO-TeX@SHSU.BITNET, as this is the redistribution address %
      % for the list.  All posting to INFO-TeX are distributed to   %
      % its worldwide list of subscribers.                          %
      % Please note that the LISTSERV which serves INFO-TeX is MAIL %
      % oriented only and is not conventional interactive LISTSERV. %
Please remember to SIGNOFF of INFO-TeX should you have reason to lose or
give up your account.

Second, the use of a brief and descriptive subject header for your messages
is encouraged.  A subject such as "Help" is not very informative, while a
subject such as "Help with centering" or "Help: centering in tabular" is
very informative and useful.

Third, the Reply-to: address for INFO-TeX is configured to the original
sender of the message and not to INFO-TeX.  All replies not specifically
addressed will be forwarded to only the original poster and not the entire
audience of INFO-TeX subscribers.  If you would like your response to be
sent to the list of subscribers, please send a copy to INFO-TeX@SHSU.BITNET.

Fourth, if you have posed a question to INFO-TeX and have received answers
which address your problem, please post a summary of replies back to the
list.  Summary postings will be appreciated by the subscribers as they will
be enabled to follow your problem and not wonder, "what about the post
regarding ...?"  Also, these postings often provide for further extensions
of the original question.  A suggested summary subject header is the
original subject followed by the word "Summary", such as "Help: centering in
tabular - Summary"

Fifth, the archives of INFO-TeX are maintained on our file server,
FILESERV@SHSU.BITNET (note that this is FILEserv and not LISTserv). To get a
copy of any month's postings, send MAIL to FILESERV@SHSU.BITNET with the
where "yyyy" is the year and "mm" is the numeric representation of the
month.  For example, the message SENDME INFO-TeX.1990-12 will access the
archives for December, 1990.

Sixth, FILESERV@SHSU.BITNET also supports a developing LaTeX style file
collection.  This service is being added, slowly but surely, for your use
and convenience.  To get a brief annotated listing of the current holdings
and brief instructions on retrieving the files in the STY collection, send
MAIL to FILESERV@SHSU.BITNET with the message:
        | If you would like to assist in the development of this   |
        | repository by contributing a file to the STY collection, |
        | please MAIL it to STY-Mgr@SHSU.BITNET.                   |
FILESERV also has a number of other TeX-related packages and files
available.  To get an annotated listing of all packages and files available,
send the command DIRECTORY in a MAIL message to FILESERV@SHSU.BITNET.
Further information about FILESERV can be obtained from a HELP message.

Seventh, Sam Houston State University supports another list which INFO-TeX
subscribers may be interested in -- TeX-Pubs.  TeX-Pubs is a redistribution
list for TeX-related electronic-format periodicals, including TeXhax,
UKTeX, TeXMaG, and Bobby Bodenheimer's "Frequently Asked Questions" and
Raymond Chen's "Supplementary TeX Information" from comp.text.tex. 
TeX-Pubs provides subscribers with a single address for handling the
administrative details associated with a subscription to each of these
journals, so you will need to subscribe or signoff only once instead of
multiple times.  TeX-Pubs will provide you with copies of each of these
electronic digests as soon as they are received for forwarding. To
subscribe to TeX-Pubs, please include the command:
in the body of a MAIL message to LISTSERV@SHSU.BITNET (Note: this is a
list-related request, so it goes to LISTserv; file related requests, such
as archives, styles, and packages discussed above go to FILEserv).

Eighth, the TeX Users Group (TUG) is a worldwide users group devoted to
developments and applications of TeX.  While membership in TUG is by no
means required for participation on INFO-TeX, it is encouraged due to the
wealth of information and services TUG can provide.  TUG publishes TUGboat,
has available a large library of ancillary guides and documents for
TeX-related applications, and sponsors a number of seminars, meetings, and
classes annually.  For more information regarding TUG, please contact:
    TeX Users Group
    P.O. Box 9506
    Providence, RI 02940 USA
    Tel: (401) 751-7760
    Fax: (401) 751-1071
    E-mail: tug@math.ams.com
Please include your full name and a complete mailing address. If you have
inquiries regarding the courses offered by TUG  or its annual meeting, 
please contact Charlotte Laurendeau <cvl@math.ams.com>.

Finally, please feel free to post to the list.  It is provided to assist you
with TeX-related problems.  INFO-TeX is echoed to USENET's comp.text.tex
newsgroup, so a very wide audience of skilled listeners is available for
responding to posts on INFO-TeX.  No question is "too simple"; questions
which are "too hard" lead to doctoral dissertations and new products.

If you have any questions, comments, or suggestions about INFO-TeX, please
contact the list owner at any of the addresses below.
George D. Greenwade, Ph.D.                            Bitnet:  BED_GDG@SHSU
Department of Economics and Business Analysis         THEnet: SHSU::BED_GDG
P. O. Box 2118                                        Voice: (409) 294-1266
Sam Houston State University                          FAX:   (409) 294-3612
Huntsville, TX 77341            Internet: bed_gdg%shsu.decnet@relay.the.net
INFO-TeX data: Announced   -- November 28, 1990
               Subscribers -- May 31, 1991: 252
               Postings    -- May, 1991:    104
FILESERV use for INFO-TeX  -- May, 1991:  5,567 transfers