[comp.text.tex] new

pauld@cs.washington.edu (Paul Barton-Davis) (06/05/91)

Below are two files, unixman.sty & unixman.tex that contain various
fixes added since this was first posted. I have asked Don Hosek to
upload this to the archive, since the version there is broken. 

This new version does NOT require any further style files in order to

Unixman.tex is a manual page that uses unixman.sty to document how to
use this style.

---- 8< cut here for unixman.sty ----
%% Unix `man' macros for LaTeX
%% Paul Davis <pauld@cs.washington.edu> Feb 1989, June 1991

%% v1.2 - removed references to new font switches, tidied up
%%        page dimensions a little.

\def\@truedocstyle{Document Style `Unix Manual' V1.2 June 4th 1991}

%% --------------- PAGE DIMENSIONS -------------------


\sectionindent 0.5 true in
\subsectionindent 0.25 true in
\subsubsectionindent 0pt

\oddsidemargin \sectionindent
\evensidemargin \sectionindent

\hoffset -1.35 cm  %% I really don't know why it needs this ...
\textwidth 6 in
\textheight 21.5cm
\headsep 0.5 in
\topmargin -8mm
\topskip 0pt

\footskip 0.5 in
\parindent 0pt
\parskip \baselineskip

%% ------------------- FONTS -------------------

%% Normal troff uses Times Roman for its output. I much prefer
%% this, but many LaTeX users have no access to this. If you
%% want to, you can insert a magic incantation here that will
%% give you Times Roman (I use \input{times.sty}). Otherwise,
%% you'll get cruddy old Computer Modern throughout.

%% ---------------- SECTIONING COMMANDS --------------

{0pt plus .5ex minus -.2ex}{-1sp}{\normalsize\bf}*}

{0pt plus .5ex minus -.2ex}{-1sp}{\normalsize\bf}*}

{0pt plus .5ex minus -.2ex}{-1sp}{\normalsize\it}*}

%% a modified version of \@xsect

%% In this case, if AFTERSKIP is negative, we simply
%% backup by \parskip immediately after the section heading.
%% This has the net effect of leaving no extra vertical space
%% between the heading and any following material. We also set
%% \@nobreaktrue to avoid extra space when putting a \list
%% immediately after such a heading.

\def\@xsect#1{\@tempskipa #1\relax
      \ifdim \@tempskipa>\z@
       \par \nobreak
       \vskip \@tempskipa
        \everypar{\if@noskipsec \global\@noskipsecfalse
                   \clubpenalty\@M \hskip -\parindent
                   \begingroup \@svsechd \endgroup \unskip
                   \vskip -\parskip
                  \else \clubpenalty \@clubpenalty

%% --------------- MISCELLANEOUS MACROS ---------------

\def\command#1#2{{\it #1}\/{\rm (#2)}}%
\def\code#1{{\bf #1}}
\def\file#1{{\bf #1\/}}
\def\prog#1{{\sf #1}}
\def\pipe{{\tt |}}
\def\ltrl#1{{\bf #1}}
\def\arg#1{{\it #1}}

#1 -- #2}
\def\see{\section{SEE ALSO}}

% super speedy font switching

\def\I #1 {{\it #1}\ }
\def\R #1 {{\rm #1}\ }
\def\B #1 {{\bf #1}\ }
\def\T #1 {{\tt #1}\ }
\def\S #1 {{\sf #1}\ }

\def\BI #1 #2 {{\bf #1}\ {\it #2}\ }
\def\BR #1 #2 {{\bf #1}\ {\rm #2}\ }
\def\RB #1 #2 {{\rm #1}\ {\bf #2}\ }
\def\RI #1 #2 {{\rm #1}\ {\it #2}\ }
\def\IB #1 #2 {{\it #1}\ {\bf #2}\ }
\def\IR #1 #2 {{\it #1}\ {\rm #2}\ }

%% ---------------- HEADERS AND FOOTERS ------------------

%% first we define `thing' to expand to the name of whatever this
%% manpage is about. Then, we case on #2 and define the manual section
%% that this fits under. It is in this section that we have some
%% local specialities - sections numbered above 8 define local
%% manual sections.

%% Here is a map -

%%   9 - Operations
%%  10 - Communications
%%  11 - Checklists
%%  12 - Procedures
%%  13 - Standards
%%  14 - Devices

%% page numbering
%% This allows us to have selected `extra pages' in the style
%% of some of the newer troff filters - Pages normally numbered
%% with a pagenumber after \@xpgstart are subsequently numbered

%%        \@xpgstart{a,b,c ...}

%% where \@xpgstart is (hopefully obviously) a number !

\newif\ifxpg \xpgfalse

\def\extrapagesfrom#1{\@xpgstart #1 \xpgtrue}

%% now define the header and footer

%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% threepart.sty inlined %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
% Three part head and foot macros. 1/87
% Lance Berc
% Olsen & Associates	mcvax!unizh!olsen!lance@seismo.css.gov
% Seefeldstrasse 233
% CH-8008 Zurich

% How users can set the head and foot text.
\def\lhead#1{\gdef\@lhead{#1}} \def\lfoot#1{\gdef\@lfoot{#1}}
\def\chead#1{\gdef\@chead{#1}} \def\cfoot#1{\gdef\@cfoot{#1}}
\def\rhead#1{\gdef\@rhead{#1}} \def\rfoot#1{\gdef\@rfoot{#1}}

% Initialization of the head and foot text.
% By default the page number is at the center of the foot and everything
% else is empty.
\def\@lhead{} \def\@lfoot{}
\def\@chead{} \def\@cfoot{{\rm \thepage}}
\def\@rhead{} \def\@rfoot{}

% Put together a three part header or footer given the left, center and
% right text. The \lap commands put the text into an hbox of zero size,
% so overlapping text is not detected (it just overlaps).
\def\@threepart#1#2#3{\rlap{#1} \hfil {#2} \hfil \llap{#3}}

% Swap the notices on odd and even pages when twosided.


% Default page style

% Default footers

%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% end of threepart.sty %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%

\def\@foottxt{\hbox to 0pt{\hfill}}
\def\@date{\hbox to 0pt{\hfill}}








\def\this{{\bf #1}}
\ifcase #2
	  \def\@mansect{USER COMMANDS}
	  \def\@mansect{SYSTEM CALLS}
	  \def\@mansect{LIBRARY FUNCTIONS}
	  \def\@mansect{SPECIAL FILES}
	  \def\@mansect{FILE FORMATS}
	  \def\@mansect{GAMES AND DEMOS}
%% head line
%% footline
	  \ifnum \thepage < \@xpgstart%
\cfoot{\normalsize Last change: \@date}
\lfoot{\normalsize Version: \@foottxt}}

%% redefine outputpage so as to ensure that the headline and
%% the footline cover the sectional headings as well.

\def\@outputpage{\begingroup\catcode`\ =10 \if@specialpage 
    \ifodd\count\z@ \let\@thehead\@oddhead \let\@thefoot\@oddfoot
      \let\@thehead\@evenhead \let\@thefoot\@evenfoot
  \@tempdima \textwidth %% calculate total page width
  \advance\@tempdima \sectionindent
  \vbox{\normalsize \baselineskip\z@ \lineskip\z@
        \vskip \topmargin \moveright\@themargin
              \vbox to\headheight{\hbox to\@tempdima{\strut\@thehead}
              \vskip \headsep
              \hbox to\@tempdima{\hss\box\@outputbox}
              \hbox to\@tempdima{\@thefoot}}}%

%%   --------------- ENVIRONMENTS --------------------

%% a kludge to get correct spacing of a list environment 
%% immediately after a section name (used within given environments)

\@ughamount -14pt %% Don't ask ...

\def\@ugh{\vskip \@ughamount}

  \if@noparitem \@donoparitem 
         \if@inlabel \indent \par \fi
         \ifhmode \unskip\unskip \par \fi 
                        \addvspace\@topsep \addvspace{-\parskip}
           \else \addpenalty\@itempenalty \addvspace\itemsep 
          \if@inlabel\global\@inlabelfalse \hskip -\parindent \box\@labels
             \penalty\z@ \fi
\if@noitemarg \@noitemargfalse \if@nmbrlist \refstepcounter{\@listctr}\fi \fi
 \hbox{\unhbox\@labels \hskip \itemindent
       \hskip -\labelwidth \hskip -\labelsep 
       \ifdim \wd\@tempboxa >\labelwidth 
          \else \hbox to\labelwidth {\makelabel{#1}}\fi
       \hskip \labelsep}\ignorespaces}

%% A new makelabel command that attempts to set
%% the item label flushleft in a box of width \labelwdith.
%% If the label is too wide, then we throw in an additional hbox
%% the end, so that the item text is on a new line (kludge-y !)
%% This matches the conventional method of displaying options
%% in the Unix manuals.

		   \ifdim \wd\@tempboxa > \labelwidth%
			 \hbox to \labelwidth{%
				    \hbox to 0pt{#1\hss}%
				    \hbox to 0pt{\hfil}}%
%% Options environment

%% \opt{OPTION} option text ...
%% \optarg{OPTION}{ARGUMENT} option text ...

\def\opt#1{\item[{\bf #1}]}
	 \def\arg{{\it #2}\ }%
	 \item[{\bf #1}\ {\it #2}]}


\leftmargin \optionwidth
\rightmargin 0pt
\labelwidth \optionwidth
\topsep -\parskip
\partopsep -\parskip
\labelsep 0pt


%% file lists

\filenamewidth 2.0in

\leftmargin \filenamewidth
\rightmargin 0pt
\labelwidth \filenamewidth
\topsep -\parskip
\partopsep -\parskip
\itemsep 0pt
\parsep 0pt
\labelsep 0pt


%% \fileref{FILENAME} description ...

\def\fileref#1{\item[{\filelistfont #1}]\relax}

%% description

\descriptionwidth 1.5 in

\def\descriptionlabel#1{\flmakelabel{\bf #1}}

\labelwidth \descriptionwidth
\leftmargin \descriptionwidth
\rightmargin 0pt
\topsep 0pt plus 1pt
\partopsep 0pt plus 1pt
\labelsep 0pt


%% a kludge for use immediately after a section heading:

\labelwidth \descriptionwidth
\leftmargin \descriptionwidth
\rightmargin 0pt
\topsep 0pt plus 1pt
\partopsep 0pt plus 1pt
\labelsep 0pt


%% examples


\leftmargin 1cm
\rightmargin 1cm
\topsep 0pt
\partopsep 0pt


---- 8< cut here for unixman.tex ---


\filenamewidth 3.5 in
\def\met#1{{\it #1}}
\def\meta#1{{$<${\it #1}$>$}}


\version{1.1}{4th June 1991}
\header{unixman}{1L}[\LaTeX\ styles]


unixman -- \LaTeX\ document style produce Unix-style manual pages


\bs documentstyle[unixman]\\
\bs begin\{document\}\\
\bs header\{\met{name}\}\{\met{section-number}\}[\met{section-name}]\\
\bs version\{\met{version-id}\}\{\met{date}\}

\bs section\{NAME\}

\hbox to 2cm{\hfil \vdots \hfil}

\bs end\{document\}


The \this\ document style produces documents conforming to the conventions
of the Unix manual, as embodied in the \command{troff}{1} ``man'' macros.
It uses the standard \LaTeX\ sectioning commands, and defines several
new commands and environments to make manual page formatting easier.
These include facilities for printing lists of command line flags and
doing rapid font switches, which tend to be common to reference manuals.



\item[\bs version\{{\it version-id}\}\{{\it date}\}]
define the version number and date of modification of this manual entry.

\item[\bs header\{\I name \}\{\I section-number \}\[\I section-name \]]
define the name of the command and the section number in which it is
to appear. \I section-name is an optional argument used to override
the default name for \I section-number.

\item[\bs startpage\{{\it page-number}\}] 
start page numbering from {\it pagenumber}.

\item[\bs extrapagesfrom\{{\it page-number}\}] 
number all pages beyond {\it pagenumber} in the style {\it
pagenumber}a, {\it pagenumber}b and so on. For use when adding extra
pages to an existing manual. For instance, if you use
{\tt \bs extrapagesfrom\{260\}}, then instead of 260, 261, 262 you will 
get 260, 260a, 260b and so on.

\item[\bs file\{{\it file}\}] 
prints the name of a file in the default
font for such items\\
(e.g. {\tt \bs file\{/usr/lib\}} $\rightarrow$ \file{/usr/lib})

\item[\bs prog\{{\it program}\}] 
prints a program in the default font
for such items\\ 
(e.g. {\tt \bs prog\{awk\}} $\rightarrow$ \prog{awk}).

\item[\bs this] 
prints the name of this manual page, emboldened.

\item[\bs R, \bs B, \bs T, \bs I, \bs S]
print the next word in a \R roman, \B bold, \T typewriter, \I italic, and \S san-serif
font respectively. The word must be delimited by white space.

\item[\bs RB, \bs RI, \bs IB, \bs IR, \bs BI, \bs BR]
print the next two words in alternating fonts, where the two letters
specify the font according to the single word version described above.
The words must be delimited by whitespace.

\item[\bs tilde] 
prints a tilde (\tilde)

\item[\bs pipe]
prints a vertical bar (\pipe).

\item[\bs bs]
prints a backslash (\bs). Useful for manual pages about \LaTeX.

\item[\bs\<\ \R \& \bs\>] 
print left- and right- arrow brackets (\<\ \& \>).
These commands ignore following spaces completely.

\item[\bs \[\ \R and \bs \]]
print left and right square brackets (\[\ \& \]). Necessary in {\tt item} labels
within a list environment. 



The \this\ style defines several new environments to make the
formatting of manual pages easier and more consistent.


The {\tt options} environment is intended for creating lists of
command line flags. Within it there are two special commands, {\tt \bs
opt} and {\tt \bs optarg}. The first is used to describe an flag that
has no arguments; the second is used in the case where there are
arguments.  With the {\tt optarg} command, you can use the command
{\tt \bs arg} to simply print the argument in the same style and
without retyping it.  An example -- the following \LaTeX\ specification:

\opt{-p} print top value on the stack
\optarg{-s}{x} put top of stack into register named \arg
\optarg{-I}{directory} add \arg to the list of directories searched.

produces the following results

\opt{-p} print top value on the stack
\optarg{-s}{x} put top of stack into register named \arg
\optarg{-I}{directory} add \arg to the list of directories searched.

Note how the description is positioned when the argument associated
with an option flag is especially long (see PARAMETERS, below).


The {\tt filelist} environment provides a simple means of formatting
lists of files for the standard FILES section of a manual page, or
elsewhere if desired.
\bs begin\{filelist\}\\
\bs fileref\{\I filename\} \I description \ldots\\
\bs end\{filelist\}

{\tt \bs fileref} sets its argument in a default face. The description
part is optional, and its position in the case of very long filenames
follows the pattern for the `options' environment described above (see


The example environment provides an indented environment with a
typewriter font (Courier) as the default. If you wish to be able to
use all letters and symbols easily, you should use a verbatim
environment within an example.


\item[\bs filenamewidth] the width of a filename in a filelist that
when exceeded, causes the description (if present) to be wrapped to
the next line.  The default is 2.0 inches.

\item[\bs optionwidth] the width of an option in an options list that
when exceeded, causes the description (if present) to be wrapped to
the next line. The default is 0.5 inches

\item[\bs descriptionwidth] as {\tt \bs optionwidth}, but for
description environments, which are otherwise like the normal LaTeX
description environment. The default is 1.5 inches.

\item[\bs examplefont] the font to use in the 
{\tt example} environment. The defaut is typewriter (Courier).



A typical manual page for a command  or  function  is
laid out as follows:

{\tt \bs header}\{TITLE\}\{1-8\}

The name of the  command  or  function  in  upper-case,
which  serves  as the title of the manual page. This is
followed by the number  of  the  section  in  which  it

{\tt \bs version}\{VERSION\}\{DATE\}

The version number and last modification of this manual page.

{\tt \bs section}\{NAME\}

{\tt name} (or comma-separated list of names) --  one-line summary

The name, or list of names, by  which  the  command  is
called,  followed by a dash and then a one-line summary
of the action performed. The summary should contain no
\LaTeX\ macros since it is used to contribute to the
`whatis' database.

{\tt \bs section}\{SYNOPSIS\}

{\bf Commands:}

The syntax of the command and  its  arguments,  as
typed  on  the  command line.  When in boldface, a
word must be typed exactly as  printed.   When  in
italics,  a  word can be replaced with an argument
that you supply.  References to bold or italicized
items  are not capitalized in other sections, even
when they begin a sentence.

Syntactic symbols appear in roman face:

\item[\[\ \]] An argument, when surrounded by  brackets  is
\item[\pipe] Arguments separated by  a  vertical  bar  are
                    exclusive.   You  can  supply  only item from
                    such a list.
\item[\ldots] Arguments  followed  by  an  elipsis  can  be
                    repeated.   When  an elipsis follows a bracketed
                    set, the expression within the  brackets
                    can be repeated. 

{\bf Functions:}

If required, the data declaration, or \#include directive, is shown
first, followed by the function declaration.  Otherwise, the function
declaration is shown.

{\tt \bs section}\{DESCRIPTION\}

A narrative overview of the command or function's external behavior.
This includes how it interacts with files or data, and how it handles
the standard input, standard output and standard error.  Internals and
implementation details are normally omitted.  This section attempts to
provide a succinct overview in answer to the question, ``what does it

Literal text from the synopsis appears in boldface, as do literal
filenames and references to items that appear elsewhere in a reference
manual.  Arguments are italicized.

If a command interprets either subcommands or an input grammar, its
command interface or input grammar is normally described in a USAGE
section, which follows the OPTIONS section.  (The DESCRIPTION section
only describes the behavior of the command itself, not that of

{\tt \bs section}\{OPTIONS\}

The list of options along with  a  description  of  how
each affects the command's operation. These should be
formatted within an {\tt options} environment.

{\tt \bs section}\{FILES\}

A list of files associated with the  command  or  function. 
These should be formatted within a {\tt filelist}

{\tt \bs section}\{SEE ALSO\}

A  comma-separated list of related  manual  pages,  followed
by references to other published materials.

{\tt \bs section}\{DIAGNOSTICS\}

A list of diagnostic messages  and  an  explanation  of

{\tt \bs section}\{BUGS\}

A description of limitations, known defects, and possible
problems associated with the command or function.


\fileref{/usr/local/lib/tex/macros/unixman.sty} The base style file
\fileref{/usr/local/lib/tex/macros/*.sty} other style options
\section{SEE ALSO} 

\command{man}{7}, \command{troff}{1}

{\it Formatting Documents, Chapter 3: the \T -man macro package}


There is an \bs hoffset in the page dimensions whose function is not

There is a grotesque kludge used to get lists after section headings
spaced from the latter as if they were pure text, consisting of 
{\tt\bs vskip}'ing 14pt's back up the page. This is highly non-portable and
very bad style. Any better ideas~?

An \T verbatim environment immediately within another environment
other than \T example will not leave the normal amount of vertical space
before it. In fact, it leaves less than none at all.

Paul Barton-Davis <pauld@cs.washington.edu> UW Computer Science Lab	 

"People cannot cooperate towards common goals if they are forced to
 compete with each other in order to guarantee their own survival."