[comp.text.tex] map environment

ian@castle.ed.ac.uk (Ian Turton) (06/06/91)

I'm looking for a sort of figure enviroment which is called map, not figure
is there one about before I try to hack the figure stuff.


Ian Turton                                Dept of Geophysics and geology
ian@uk.ac.edinburgh                       JCMB, Kings Buildings
                                          Mayfield Rd, Edinburgh,UK
     ***If you don't like my views sue my boss, he'll love it.***

jdm5548@tamsun.tamu.edu (James Darrell McCauley) (06/08/91)

In article <10851@castle.ed.ac.uk>, ian@castle.ed.ac.uk (Ian Turton) writes:
|> I'm looking for a sort of figure enviroment which is called map, not figure
|> is there one about before I try to hack the figure stuff.
What exactly should the function of a map environment be?
James Darrell McCauley, Grad Res Asst, Spatial Analysis Lab 
Dept of Ag Engr, Texas A&M Univ, College Station, TX 77843-2117, USA
(jdm5548@diamond.tamu.edu, jdm5548@tamagen.bitnet)