[comp.text.tex] Group symbols

quanstro@thor.acc.stolaf.edu (flash) (06/16/91)

Here are some nice little macros that will do the trick.

---- hier mit e'm wellenschlifigem messer endfernen ---
%* macro group: mathematics						*
%*									*
%* Erik Walter Quanstrom						*
%* 21. March 1990							*
%*									*
%* macros:								*
%*      Group symbols							*
%*              \natural                natural numbers			*
%*              \integer                integers			*
%*              \complex                complex numbers			*
%*              \rational               rational numbers		*
%*              \real                   real numbers			*
%*              \imaginary              Imaginary numbers		*
%*									*
%*      Group relations							*
%*              \norm                   Normal subgroup			*
%*									*
%*      miscellainous							*
%*              \mcr                    ragged right cr			*
%*              \mod                    typesets a(mod b) properly	*
%*              \:                      no-space :			*
%*              \qforall                \forall with padding		*
%*              \qexists                \exists with padding		*
%*									*
% the following macros are group symbols and they work in either math
% or normal mode.
                \hbox{\msym #1}%
                {\msym #1}%


                $mod $%


% define a shorthand for such that.
                ${\rm\ s.t. }$%
                {\rm\ s.t. }%
%-----cut here with a sharp machete or an 19.95 ginsu knife

quanstro@stolaf.edu		after		Erik Quanstrom % S. Baumann
Erik Quanstrom			20. Jan ->	Malinckrodtstra\3e 50