[comp.text.tex] Character sets in TeX

sharp@snuffleupagus.csd.scarolina.edu (Harry Sharp) (06/24/91)

% Note: If this is a duplicate posting, please excuse.  I found it
%       mysteriously in my dead.article file.

Greetings one and all!

As part of a manual for a software system I rewrote, I need to include
a table of characters in lexicographic order for both the ASCII and
EBCDIC character sets.  I have tried both the table{} and array{}
environments and so far have met with only limited success.  I know that
character sets can be done in TeX (as seen in the TeX book) but I
can't figure out how to get one to work.  Any and all suggestions would
be appreciated.

Please e-mail to me. Thanks.

Harry Sharp
Department of Geography
University of South Carolina
    USMail : System Office of Institutional Research, USC, Columbia, SC 29208
    E-mail : sharp@snuffleupagus.csd.scarolina.edu (or)

eijkhout@s41.csrd.uiuc.edu (Victor Eijkhout) (06/26/91)

sharp@snuffleupagus.csd.scarolina.edu (Harry Sharp) writes:

>As part of a manual for a software system I rewrote, I need to include
>a table of characters in lexicographic order for both the ASCII and
>EBCDIC character sets. 

Here's the ascii part:

%%                                                                    %%
%%                     A S C I I    wall chart                        %%
%%                                                                    %%
%% by Victor Eijkhout                                                 %%
%% eijkhout@csrd.uiuc.edu                                             %%
%%                                                                    %%
%% Choose your favourite format:
\nopagenumbers %% 2 lines
\vsize=28cm    %% for PLAIN TeX
%\documentstyle{article}            %% 4 lines for LaTeX
%\begin{document}                   %% not that it matters anything,
%\pagestyle{empty}                  %% rest of the document
%\setlength{\textheight}{28cm}      %% is 'pure' TeX.
%%%%%% and don't forget the \bye / \end{document} at the end!! %%%%%%%
%% fonts
\font\bitfont=cmr7 \fontdimen3\bitfont=3mm
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%% counts and dimens
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%% tidbits
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\def\fatline{\vrule width \fatlinewidth}
%% code conversion
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                            \ifnum\count0>0 \number\count0 \fi\fi
              \multiply\count0 by 8
              \advance\thenumber by -\count0
\def\hexdigit#1{\ifcase#1 0\or 1\or 2\or 3\or 4\or 5\or 6\or 7\or
                          8\or 9\or A\or B\or C\or D\or E\or F\or
                          \edef\tmp{\message{illegal hex digit
\def\hexcode{{\count0=\thenumber \divide\count0 by 16
              \ifnum\count0>0 \hexdigit{\count0}\fi
              \multiply\count0 by 16
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%% the heading
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\def\bithead{\vbox to \colwidth{\hsize=1.5\colwidth
                   \hbox to \hsize{\commentfont\hfil BITS\hfil}
                   \hbox to \hsize{\bitfont\ b4 b3 b2 b1 }
%% routines for single chars
\def\fourbit#1\fb{\vbox to \rowheight{
                     \hbox to 1.5\colwidth{\bitfont #1\ }
                  \global\advance\rowcount by 1
              \vbox to \rowheight{\offinterlineskip
                     \hbox to \colwidth{\codefont
                     \hbox to \colwidth{\vrule width 0cm
                                              height 10pt depth 2pt
                     \hbox to \colwidth{\codefont
              \global\advance\colcount by 1}
%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% and now the table itself %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
          \omit&\multispan8 \hskip\thinlinewidth
                            \titlefont ASCII CONTROL CODE CHART\hfil\cr
    \noalign{\vskip3mm \hrule}
    \noalign{\vskip-.5mm} %brute force
                 &\omit\fatline\comment{UPPER CASE}\span\omit
                 &\omit\fatline\comment{LOWER CASE}\span\omit\hfil\fatline\cr
      {} 0 0 0 0&NUL&DLE&SP     &0  &@  &P       &` &p  \cr\noalign{\hrule}
      {} 0 0 0 1&SOH&DC1&!      &1  &A  &Q       &a &q  \cr\noalign{\hrule}
      {} 0 0 1 0&STX&DC2&"      &2  &B  &R       &b &r  \cr\noalign{\hrule}
      {} 0 0 1 1&ETX&DC3&\#     &3  &C  &S       &c &s  \cr\noalign{\hrule}
      {} 0 1 0 0&EOT&DC4&\$     &4  &D  &T       &d &t  \cr\noalign{\hrule}
      {} 0 1 0 1&ENQ&NAK&\%     &5  &E  &U       &e &u  \cr\noalign{\hrule}
      {} 0 1 1 0&ACK&SYN&\&     &6  &F  &V       &f &v  \cr\noalign{\hrule}
      {} 0 1 1 1&BEL&ETB&'      &7  &G  &W       &g &w  \cr\noalign{\hrule}
      {} 1 0 0 0&BS &CAN&(      &8  &H  &X       &h &x  \cr\noalign{\hrule}
      {} 1 0 0 1&HT &EM &)      &9  &I  &Y       &i &y  \cr\noalign{\hrule}
      {} 1 0 1 0&LF &SUB&*      &:  &J  &Z       &j &z  \cr\noalign{\hrule}
      {} 1 0 1 1&VT &ESC&+      &;  &K  &[       &k &$\{$\cr  \noalign{\hrule}
      {} 1 1 0 0&FF &FS &,      &$<$&L  &\\      &l &$|$ \cr  \noalign{\hrule}
      {} 1 1 0 1&CR &GS &$-$    &=  &M  &]       &m &$\}$\cr  \noalign{\hrule}
      {} 1 1 1 0&SO &RS &.      &$>$&N  &\char94 &n &\char126\cr
      {} 1 1 1 1&SI &US &/      &?  &O  &\_$\!$\_&o &DEL\cr\noalign{\hrule}
          \omit&\omit\namefont \hfil LEGEND:\hfil \span\omit
             \vbox to \rowheight{
                 \hrule\vskip \topwhite
                 \hbox to \colwidth{\codefont\hskip\leftwhite
                 \hbox to \colwidth{\namefont\hfil CHAR\hfil}
                 \hbox to \colwidth{\codefont\hskip\leftwhite
                                       hex\hfil oct
                 \hrule                               }%
          &\multispan2\bitfont \hskip\fatlinewidth
                            \hbox{Victor Eijkhout}
                            \rlap{CSRD / University of Illinois}
                            \rlap{Illinois 61801, USA}
%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% and that's it folks! %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%

\bye          %% PLAIN TeX
%\end{document} %% LaTeX