[comp.text.tex] Lucida math metrics

S.P.Q.Rahtz@ecs.soton.ac.uk (Sebastian Rahtz) (06/26/91)

I have version 1 of a set of metrics for Lucida Maths fonts, created June
23rd--24th by Sebastian Rahtz while at CERN. Thanks to Michel Goossens
for wanting it done, and for having the fonts.

What I will send to anyone who is interested is a uuencoded compressed
tar archive (too big to post here). if someone can put it on an
archive in archive for FTP?

This is of no use to you unless a) you have the fonts themselves in
PostScript form ready to download; and b) you have a driver which
understands virtual fonts (such as dvips)

My procedure was as follows
 - get the AFM metric files
 - work out the order of the symbols in the tex cmmi, cmsy and cmex
   fonts, by their PostScript names
 - hack Rokicki's dvips to read a list of names for the texencoding
   array, rather than hard wire in the TeX text layout
 - run afm2tfm (now called afm3tfm, see enclosed source) to create
   virtual font files
 - hack the .vpl files by hand to add fontdimens, change metrics etc;
   fontdimens copied from equivalent 10pt font in CMR
   some changes from Barry Smith's work (sent by Berthold Horn)
 - add in VARCHAR and NEXTLARGER entries from cmex10
 - hack in the metrics over 2408 which upset  vptovf
 - run vptovf and use the resulting tfm and vf files

All these steps are done in the Makefile, except for the hand editing
of the vpl files. DO NOT DELETE *.VPL!!!!! Keep a copy at least.

Unless you feel pretty confident, take these as they are. The font
files are

 lmi  Lucida Math Italic
 lme  Lucida Math Extension
 lms  Lucida Math Symbols

files ending .tfm are metrics for raw files.  vlme.{vf,tfm},
vlms.{vf,tfm} and vlmsi{vf,tfm} are the virtual fonts you should
actually use.

the file lucida.sty sets up the fonts for you to replace cmsy10,
cmex10 and cmmi10 in normal LaTeX, assuming you use the new font
selection scheme.

some possible test files are test.tex and mathtest.tex. hack these as
you like.

WARNING!!!! These font metrics have NOT been thoroughly  tested.
PLEASE inform me of changes you make, so that others can share them.