spel@hippo.ru.ac.za (Dr. Eberhard W. Lisse) (06/27/91)
Hi, I am looking for a decent (intelligent) translator of Microsoft Word texts into WordPerfect. Not that I ever dreamed of using WordPerfect :-)-O (this is religion of course :-)-O) but there seems to be a good translator from WordPerfect into LaTeX, which is what I currently use. I have however several large documents in Word that I would like to have typeset by LaTeX. Unfortunately there is no Word or RTF to LaTeX translator at present. Or is it???? Any pointers would be appreciated. I have no ftp access yet, but will go on leave to Germany in September when I will. Where was the very latest version of this marvelous Word-Perfect to LaTeX stored? Ymir I hope. regards, el -- Dr. Eberhard W. Lisse (spel@hippo.ru.ac.ZA) Katatura State Hospital (formerly extel@quagga.ru.ac.za) Private Bag 13215 (Real Soon Now ... el@lisse.NA) Windhoek, Namibia (no FTP yet. [This is Africa :-)-O])