[comp.text.tex] C & T 800x600 mode useable with EmTeX dviscr?

jmcn@castle.ed.ac.uk (J McNicol) (06/28/91)

The EmTeX dvi driver documementation says that the display mode for
dviscr can be set by specifying the ax and bx register values
appropriate for the display. Does anyone know what those values might be
for a Chips and Technologies 800x600 16-colour display?

Thanks for any help!

Julian Smart
Julian Smart, Scottish Crop Research Institute, Invergowrie, Dundee, DD2 5DA
TEL:              0382 562731 ext 2609     FAX:            0382 562426
EMAIL (UK):       jmcn@uk.ac.ed.castle     EMAIL (non UK): jmcn@castle.ed.ac.uk
EMAIL (INTERNET): jmcn%castle.ed.ac.uk@nss.cs.ucl.ac.uk