marla@ssc-vax.UUCP (Marla S Baer) (04/25/84)
In his article in, Martin Minow (decvax!minow) says: > > NASA is a good idea, but there are mundane needs that it cannot solve. > So what? NASA has caused the production of many things that HAVE solved many mundane needs! What about computers?, remote monitoring? Just because everything they do doesn't have IMMEDIATE "mundane" applications, doesn't mean that they are not a valuable research organization. Sometimes, they have to inspire research that advances their own aims. NASA has done more to promote pure research than almost any other government group I can think of. (Except perhaps the NSA) ****************** FLAME ON ******************************** I really hate these "If they're not perfect, they're not worth having" attitudes. Unfortunately, there are a lot of people around that think that because NASA hasn't solved their "favorite" problem, it should be gotten rid of! BULL SH*T!!!!!! NASA hasn't solved the problem of world peace, hunger, cancer, or many other major problems facing the world today. But that doesn't mean that their contribution isn't useful! In fact, in some ways, they have made contributions in many of these areas: Internation cooperation, tracking weather problems to help farmers, new pharmicuticals, etc! ************************ FLAME OFF ************************* (Whew! That feels better!) Marla S. Baer ssc-vax!marla
tam@mi-cec.UUCP (Thomas A. Maier) (05/02/84)
ditto...and amen.