(Ronald S. Woan/2100000) (02/25/90)
Original-posting-by: (Ronald S. Woan/2100000) Original-subject: Re: Risc System/6000 Reposted-by: (Edward Vielmetti) In article <542@arccs2.fed.FRB.GOV>, m1phm02@fed.FRB.GOV (Patrick H. McAllister) writes: |> A lot of discussion has been going on about the processor |> performance of these machines, but I would also be interested in |> knowing something about I/O performance. Does anybody out in |> netland have any information that can be posted about the disk |> options? What types of disk, what types of controllers? Access |> time, transfer rates (in theory and in practice)? I/O performance |> would be an important consideration around here. Your wish is our command. From the announcement that I have before me, here is a description of the two drives and adapters: 120MB Direct Attached Disk Drive #2120 Formatted Capacity 120MB Form factor 3.5-inch Average seek time 23.0ms Average latency 8.3ms Rotational speed 3600RPM Data transfer rate 1.27MB/sec. 320MB SCSI Disk Drive #2540 Formatted Capacity 320MB Form factor 3.5-inch Average seek time 12.5ms Average latency 7ms Rotational speed 4318RPM Data transfer rate 2.0MB/sec. Interface SCSI (single ended), synchronous And here is the SCSI adapter info: SCSI High-Performance Internal/External I/O Controller #2828 Up to two internal and two external devices conforms to ANSI document X3.131 -- 1986 accepts multiple commands/device at a time from system SCSI burst rate of 4MB/sec (synchronous protocal) Acts as SCSI initiator (command issuer) SCSI parity support One adapter/system Micro Channel Interface 4-byte (32-bit) Bus Master Streaming data support Address and data parity support Standard Micro Channel form factor card SCSI High-Performance External I/O Controller #2835 up to seven external devices conforms to ANSI document X3.131 -- 1986 accepts multiple commands/device at a time from system SCSI burst rate of 4MB/sec (synchronous protocal) Acts as SCSI initiator (command issuer) SCSI parity support up to two adapters/system Micro Channel Interface 4-byte (32-bit) Bus Master Streaming data support Address and data parity support Standard Micro Channel form factor card I believe the prices have already been given in past articles, so I won't take the time to look them up right now. Cheers, Ron +-----All Views Expressed Are My Own And Are Not Necessarily Shared By------+ +------------------------------My Employer----------------------------------+ + Ronald S. Woan (IBM VNET)WOAN AT AUSTIN, (AUSTIN) + + outside of IBM!auschs!!ron + + last resort +