rtidd@mwunix.mitre.org (Randall Tidd) (05/30/90)
Following is an in-depth description of some {hardware/software}? problems we have been having with our Sun 3/260. If you don't care, just skip this message. Our configuration is as follows: Sun 3/260, 16 megs RAM Boot PROM 2.7 3 Maxtor 8760-E 600meg hard drives (SCSI) SCSI-3 Controller ALM-II Multiport Board Parallax Graphics card The system ran for 18 months with no problems under SunOS 3.5.1. After upgrading to 4.0.3 at the beginning of April, we have been having a series of strange file system errors including: duplicate inodes, unassigned blocks, corrupted files, etc. The most common error seems to be an "unexpected inconsistency error" from fsck, causing us to fun fsck manually and seeing a list of files that were zorched. Corrupt files are common as well, such as bad binaries or files with 000 permissions, 0 bytes and file type zero. These problems happen over all hard disks, on any partition, seemingly without pattern (at least not that i've seen in 6 weeks). Even in short sessions, the next reboot of the machine often has many suprises from fsck. What we've done: All hardware diagnostics checked out OK. We got Sun hardware support to come out and do the diags, and they checked out OK. The errors happen even under the GENERIC kernel. We re-installed the OS (several times), including formatting the drives and reinstalling from tape. We got support from Sun {hard,soft}ware, Emulex, Maxtor and Aretecon. Sun hardware couldn't find anything wrong, the rest of them couldn't fix it. We swapped out the CPU board with no effect. The Artecon guy (who was quite competent) took away our Artecon disk subsystem (with backplane and all cabels) and shipped it off; that was a few days ago. We are now running an Artecon shoebox with only 2 of the 3 drives in it now, and still getting the errors. I think that's it. I've tried everything I know, and everything anyone else can think of. I'm posting this as sort of a last resort, before we get rid of the Sun and either buy another one or buy something else entirely. If anyone has any info or any suggestions, I would appreciate it very much. Thanks. Randy Tidd rtidd@mwunix.mitre.org