(Bill Hess) (11/06/90)
My project is in the process of purchasing magneto-optical drives for our Sun 3/180 and Sun 3/280 running SunOS 4.0.1. We are interested in a self contained units with their own power supply and SCSI controller based on the 560 Mbyte Sony drive. We also would like to purchase a device driver and utilities from the same people that provide the drive package which have the following features: Locks the media in the drive when the media is mounted as a filesystem. Reads the Sun partition label when the new media is mounted. Provides for creating a ISO/ANSI formatted disk. What sort experince have people have with the various suppliers. I am particularly interested in how well the drivers and utilities worked out. The vendors that have responded include AlphaTronix, Andataco, Artecon, Delta-Microsystems, Pinnacle Micro. Bill Hess APL/University of Washington