[comp.periphs.scsi] ScanJet and SCSI

johng@bluemoon.uucp (John Guest) (11/22/90)

The ScanJet (which I am about to purchase) sells for about 1100 bucks. It 
then has an "interface adapter" that sells for another 4oo or so. Does 
anyone know if the adapter is SCSI and do any of the standard SCSI boards 
that I might buy serve to work this unit. As I will add SCSI anyway, I'd 
like to have a little redundant equipment as possible. Does anyone know 
what the "interface" is? If this is not a scsi unit, I apologize for the 
erroneous post area. 
Thanks for any help.

kusumoto@chsun1.uchicago.edu (Bob Kusumoto) (11/24/90)

johng@bluemoon.uucp (John Guest) writes:
>The ScanJet (which I am about to purchase) sells for about 1100 bucks. It 
>then has an "interface adapter" that sells for another 4oo or so. Does 
>anyone know if the adapter is SCSI and do any of the standard SCSI boards 
>that I might buy serve to work this unit. As I will add SCSI anyway, I'd 
>like to have a little redundant equipment as possible. Does anyone know 
>what the "interface" is? If this is not a scsi unit, I apologize for the 
>erroneous post area. 

The interface is a synchnous parallel port (it goes in both directions
instead of just one).  It is not SCSI as far as I know (at least not on
my HP Scanjet Plus).

   Bob Kusumoto                               |    Find the electric messiah!
Internet:  kusumoto@chsun1.uchicago.edu       |          The AC/DC God!
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