[comp.periphs.scsi] Transfers not involving host.

dave@ridley.coyote.trw.com (Dave Agabra) (01/12/91)

    Does anyone have any experience doing SCSI data transfers between two
peripheral devices on a SUN SCSI bus that do not involve the host?  For
example, a SCSI device requests data from a disk drive while the SUN is off
doing something else.  If the SUN had to do something, such as swap to
a SCSI disk while the SCSI is tied up, will it wait or will it crash and

    As I understand it SCSI protocol allows such transfers, but SUN sometimes
has a rather egotistical view about its busses.  Their VME implementation
used to (and probably still does) get upset about large VME transfers that
did not use the SUN as either source or destination even though VME spec
allows them.

    Also, does anyone have any such information for other hosts?


				---- Dave

  A person should always believe in something.    dave@elwood.coyote.trw.com
  I believe I'll have another beer.               {cit-vax | trwrb}!wiley!dave