[comp.periphs.scsi] Third party SCSI tape on HP 9000/375? War stories?

dzubin@skorpio.Usask.ca (SED's Thomas Dzubin) (03/19/91)

The following is posted for someone who does not have net access:

RE: Non-HP SCSI Mag Tapes

	Has anybody out there successfully connected a third-party (non-HP)
 SCSI mag tape drive to an HP 9000/375 running HP-UX Release 7?

	We would be very interested in the model of drive and any 
difficulties/successes you experienced.


Send Email and I will post a summary of the responses

Thomas Dzubin, Network Coordinator
SED Systems Inc.  #18 Innovation Boulevard,  Saskatoon Sask. Canada
(306) 933-1573