[comp.periphs.scsi] Archive tape drives.

dtb@adpplz.UUCP (Tom Beach) (04/02/91)

We're considering providing the Archive 525 MB tape drive in our
product offering. Before we do I'd like a sampling of opinions on
the comparitive reliability and maturity of the 150 and 525 products.

Are there typically many more soft or hard errors with 525 MB system?

Is the MTBF comperable?

Do you have any problems restoring from backups done on 525 MB media?

I have done extended testing in our lab so I have some feel for the
product in a controlled environment. Now I'm looking for the sort of
things that may jump up and surprise us when we get to customer sites.

Anyone with tales to share, either good or bad???

I will post a summary of replies so you may either mail responses or
post followup articles.



|  Tom Beach : Sr Project Engineer : Mass Storage Technology             |
|  phone : (503) 294-1541                                                |
|  email : uunet : dtb@adpplz.uucp                                       |
|  ADP Dealer Services, ADP Plaza, 2525 S.W. 1st Ave, Portland OR, 97201 |