[comp.periphs.scsi] AHA1540a and a DRM-600

rwm@cup.portal.com (Richard DARYL Millett) (05/20/91)

>> I currently have a Adaptec AHA-1540A SCSI controller that I hope to use
>> with a Fujisu or Micropolis 600 plus megabyte SCSI disk drive...
>> and I am also looking in to the Pioneer DRM-600 six disk changer on the
>> same SCSI disk controller.
>> ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
>> R. Steven Pardue - Total Support Computer Systems  -  Tampa  -  (813) 876-5990
>> UUCP: pardue@tscs                      FAX: (813) 871-2783

There are not any problems with connecting the DRM-600 to an Adaptec SCSI
controller, all that you need is a device driver.  Corel Systems, Corp. in
Ottawa, Ontarion, CANADA (613) 728-8200 has a device driver that works
with any of the Adaptec 1540 series of SCSI controllers and will work
with *any* CD-ROM drive including the DRM-600.

The device driver is MSCDEX 2.x compatible and works with MS or PC-DOS 3.x,
4.x or DR DOS 5.0.  It also includes a utility program for testing the drive
as well as audio control.

Richard Millett
Pioneer Communications
Phone: (408) 988-1702
Usenet: RWM@cup.portal.com