[comp.sys.ibm.pc.programmer] how to contact microsoft via e-mail

ckindel@cs.arizona.edu (Charles E. Kindel, Jr. (Tigger)) (04/14/90)

Does anyone know the email address of microsoft?
I know that I need to somehow go through 
"beaver.cs.washington.edu" and that microsoft
has an account on that machine, but given a username
how do I address the e-mail?


Charles <still trying to figure out unix> Kindel

; ckindel@cs.arizona.edu         |  Kindlco Software Systems         ;
; CIS: 71551,1445                |  [KiSS]                           ;
; Charles E. Kindel, Jr.         |  "Keeping it Simple, Stupid!"     ;
;  4225 N. First Ave, Suite 1315, Tucson, AZ, 85719, (602) 887-3359  ;