[comp.sys.ibm.pc.programmer] QuickBasic - 80287 problem

HASSLER@MAINE.BITNET (John Hassler) (05/29/90)

>From: ttak@uhura.cc.rochester.edu (Timothy Takahashi)
>Date: 22 May 90 00:46:41 GMT
>I have had a similar problem with Microsoft QuickBasic 4.00. It used to
>function properly on my Tandy 1000sx under PC-DOS 4.0. But, every since
>I bought a 386SX clone with 387SX it seems to hang on a divide by zero
>and a square root of a negative number (it used to trap these errors) but now,
>(ctrl-alt-del won't work! - must use "RESET" button). ..........
We are having the same problem with several Zenith 248's (12 Mhz 80286 +
8 Mhz 80287).  They are ok with Turbo C and Turbo Basic, but QuickBasic 4.5,
MS-Fortran (Old - V. 2.5 or something) and WATFOR Fortran will crash as above.
The programs in QuickBasic *seem* to get into the 87-exceptions routine, but
since the crash wipes out the debugger, it's hard to be sure.
Any suggestions?