[comp.sys.ibm.pc.programmer] TSR programs

jvb7u@astsun.astro.Virginia.EDU (Jon Brinkmann) (08/25/90)

I've been teaching myself how to write ISRs (interrupt service routines) and
TSRs under DOS.  I've read through the book MEMORY RESIDENT PROGRAMMING ON
THE IBM PC by Thomas Wadlow and tried some of his example programs.  All
his programs that grab the keyboard service interrupt (16H) lock up my
machine when I try to install them.  Looking at the source leaves me with
the impression that they should work.  I'd post the code, but it's
copyrighted, so I'll have to ask those who have access to the book to
help here.  Any ideas what's wrong?


Jon Brinkmann					Astronomy Department
Internet:	jvb7u@Virginia.EDU		University of Virginia
UUCP:		...!uunet!virginia!jvb7u	P.O. Box 3818
SPAN/HEPnet:	6654::jvb7u			Charlottesville, VA 22903-0818