[comp.sys.ibm.pc.programmer] MKS vi info anyone please?

dve@mace.cc.purdue.edu (04/02/91)

	I'm desperately in need of a good 'vi' a DOS machine that implement
	the Unix vi in full.

	I learned there's a commercial 'vi' by MKS ($125 mail order). I like
	to ask those who know anything about it how they think of it.

	I look for the following features in vi in that order:
		1: Full unix vi implementation
		2: Color changable, or at least will use the default
		   color (which is not necessarily white on black!). I
		   use a color monitor and always set the color as green on
		   black via ANSI.SYS. Some vi clones disregard this and
		   always come with white on black, very annoying.
		3: Settings should be configurable like by .exrc in UNIX
		4: Should be able to edit file of any length, i.e. not
		   limited by RAM, or perhaps, can use EMS and XMS RAM
		5: Should be reseanably fast. Should also handle graphics
		   characters, not just 'print'able characters.

	Granted, there're shareware and even free 'vi' clones around. They
	all have problems. To site
		1 Calvin vi: Too simple and limited
		2 Steve  vi: File size limited. Biggest fault is lack of
			the ability to delete lines in bulk. commands of form
			are not implemented. So one can only delete lines
			one by one.
		3 Elvis  vi: Color can not change. Default is terrible, cursor
			impossible to locate. Biggest fault: will not do
			line numbers

	I'm looking to get MKS vi. Because it's commercial program and costs
	a lot, I suppose it should be reasonably good. But since it's not
	returnable, I'd like to ask your opinion on it first. Thanks a lot.

	Please reply at dve@mace.cc.purdue.edu