[comp.sys.ibm.pc.programmer] Utility For Looking at .LIB File Internals

objtch@extro.ucc.su.OZ.AU (Peter Goodall) (06/18/91)

I am currently interfaceing to a large imaging library from Smalltalk.
Ihave to open the Windows .DLL s directly. The .h files do not tell me
which of the 30 or so DLLs correspond to which of the 300 or so function
prototypes. I have written some MKS scripts with the aid of exehdr to build
a database on SYMBOL Prototype DLL.name .h_file_name.

I have found 20 or so class in the .h that are not in the DLLs, and suspec
that the .LIB file the C folks use has a version clash with the .h and

In short I would like to extract the inf embedded in the .LIB file to check
it. Are there utilities to do this??

Peter Goodall - Smalltalk Systems Consultant - objtch@extro.ucc.su.oz.au
      ObjecTech Pty. Ltd. - Software Tools, Training, and Advice
162 Burns Bay Rd, LANE COVE, NSW, AUSTRALIA. - Phone/Fax: +61 2 418-7433