[list.netnws-l] lost NETNEWS GROUPS

Gustaf Neumann <NEUMANN@AWIWUW11.bitnet> (02/23/90)

Linda, many thanks for the quick correction of my last problem.
Here comes a new one, which looks a little harder:

Today, i did a PURGE on our server (it was not the first time).
During the PURGE, an operation exception occured, and then -
oh shock - our NETNEWS GROUPS file was deleted (800 lines).
Has anybody seen this before?

If anybody is interested, i have written two execs, that try very
hard to reconstruct a NETNEWS GROUPS file out of NETNEWS DESCRIPT
and the VLIB and GROUP files. They run forever, but i think, i have
repaired everything by now.


Here is the 'interesting' part of the console log:
18:49:10 Waiting for interrupt . . .
18:49:14 PURGE initiated by NETNEWS AWIWUW11
NETNEWS: PURGE initiated
NETNEWS: Nothing queued in LOCAL batch.
NETNEWS: Nothing queued in BLEKUL11 batch.
NETNEWS: Nothing queued in NESTROY batch.
18:49:14 Sending batch TREARN to NETNEWS at TREARN
NETNEWS  BATCH    A1. Bytes in=   38539, bytes out=   21440 (    55%).
18:49:17 NNPURGE: Drop   date = 90039
18:49:17 NNPURGE: Expire date = 90053
18:49:21 NNPURGE: Processing NETNEWS GROUPS file
DMSITP143T Operation exception occurred at 07769C in system routine EXECCOMM; re
Automatic re-IPL by CP due to disabled wait; PSW 00020000 40F18C88
VM/SP REL 5 02/13/90 12:15
18:49:57 NETNEWS Version 2.0, The Pennsylvania State University
18:49:57 NNSERVER EXEC K1 dated 900123 205342 called as NNSERVER from CMS
18:49:58 Disk A is 191
18:49:59 Disk B is 192
18:49:59 Disk C is 100
18:49:59 Disk D is 101
18:49:59 Disk E is 102
18:49:59 Disk J is 1FF
18:49:59 Disk K is 193
18:49:59 Reading NETNEWS GROUPS file . . .
18:50:03 Sorting NETNEWS MSGIDS . . .
DMSSRT604R Enter sort fields:
19:01:13 Initialization complete

19:01:13 Spoolid 7129 from CHRISTIA AT FINHUTC; 29 records.
19:01:14 **COMMENT** Spool file 7129 rejected: Listserv group bit.listserv.chris
tia does not exist.