wtm@decvax.dec.com (Bill McGarry) (02/28/90)
THE HANDICAP DIGEST Issue # 1120 Wednesday, February 28, 1990 Today's Topics: ****** Re: Sermon Re: Sermon Re: Foreign Sign Language Books Re: employment discrimination Re: relocation Wheelchair Batteries TTY Specs Re: Feldene MS ****** To subscribe to the Handicap Digest mailing list or have your thoughts in the next issue, please send electronic mail to Bill McGarry at any of the following addresses: UUCP: {oliveb, philabs, decvax, yale}!bunker!wtm INTERNET: wtm!bunker.uucp l-hcap@vm1.nodak.edu BITNET: l-hcap@ndsuvm1.bitnet Fidonet: The Handicap News BBS (141/420) 1-203-337-1607 (300/1200/2400 baud, 24 hours) Compuserve: 73170,1064 Bill McGarry (Moderator) (203) 337-1518 ------ Subject: Re: Sermon Written by: Barbara.Akin@f15.n114.z1.fidonet.org (Barbara Akin) Organization: FidoNet node 1:114/15 - St Joes Hospital, Phoenix AZ Hi Robert, I don't think he would deliberately put me in an unfavorable light. Its just that I think that often sighted persons never stop to even Think about what it would feel like to be constantly viewed as disabled first, and a person second. They have never been in that situation, and so they do much of what they do out of total unawareness, or just plain ignorance. However, I do agree whole heartedly with you that it is up to me to let others know how I want to be seen----and I certainly Will!!! I am now in the proccess of composing a letter I want my pastor to read before he even finishes preparing the sermon. Thank you for your support in this! -- Uucp: ..!{decvax,oliveb}!bunker!hcap!hnews!114!15!Barbara.Akin Internet: Barbara.Akin@f15.n114.z1.fidonet.org ------ Subject: Re: Sermon Written by: Barbara.Akin@f15.n114.z1.fidonet.org (Barbara Akin) Organization: FidoNet node 1:114/15 - St Joes Hospital, Phoenix AZ Pat, those were my thoughts EXACTLY!!! Really, we are speaking about spiritual trugths here, and I guess the only real benifit of myself being up there being interviewed is that I will focus on the fact that Christ ALWAYS saw the person first. He did NOT see "the blind man" he saw the PERSON of that man! So, if THAT truth gets across, then my being there will be of benefit. I plan to state loud and clear, that Christ always did, and Does look at people, Not disabilities! -- Uucp: ..!{decvax,oliveb}!bunker!hcap!hnews!114!15!Barbara.Akin Internet: Barbara.Akin@f15.n114.z1.fidonet.org ------ Subject: Re: Foreign Sign Language Books Written by: Pat.Goltz@f3.n300.z1.fidonet.org (Pat Goltz) Organization: FidoNet node 1:300/3 - UA Today, Tucson AZ While we are on the subject, can you supply information I could use to get copies of the French sign language books you said you acquired? Pat -- Uucp: ..!{decvax,oliveb}!bunker!hcap!hnews!300!3!Pat.Goltz Internet: Pat.Goltz@f3.n300.z1.fidonet.org ------ Subject: Re: employment discrimination Written by: Pat.Goltz@f3.n300.z1.fidonet.org (Pat Goltz) Organization: FidoNet node 1:300/3 - UA Today, Tucson AZ Your point is NOT worthless. If the firm he works for does ANY trading in interstate commerce, then federal law would apply. In addition, there are laws that apply to those who deal directly with the federal government. There may be grievance procedures that will save the cost of a lawsuit, and the suit would fail anyway if he doesn't exhaust those remedies first. Pat -- Uucp: ..!{decvax,oliveb}!bunker!hcap!hnews!300!3!Pat.Goltz Internet: Pat.Goltz@f3.n300.z1.fidonet.org ------ Subject: Re: relocation Written by: Robert.Norstrand@f8.n10.z1.fidonet.org (Robert Norstrand) Organization: FidoNet node 1:10/8 - RBBS-NET Gateway, Colton CA CC> I never thought of it before - snow tires for wheelchairs?! Makes good CC> sense. DO wheelchair users typically have more than one set of tires? CC> Do you ever get flats? I've never noticed air valves - do you have to CC> pump the tires to different pressures when carrying different weights? CC> * Origin: The Chief's Mess (Official Beta Test Site and HST WOW!) CC> (1:202/114) Chita, I don't know about separate pairs of tires, per sey, but I have 2 wheelchairs (1 powered and 1 manual). The tires on the power-chair are pneumatic (air-filled) and yes, I've had flats. It's for this reason (as well as others) that I have the manual chair. If I get a flat or something else goes wrong with the power-chair I can use the manual chair. I hate being stuck in one place and if I have a flat I don't want to ruin the tire(s) by running on them. # Origin: The Magic RBBS, Lakeland, FL (813) 688-8151 (1:137/600) (8:925/10) -- ------ Subject: Wheelchair Batteries Written by: edward@TWG.COM (Edward C. Bennett) I find myself at the time of year when it's necessary to replace my chair's batteries. Before I go to a WC dealer and plunk down lord-knows- how-much for a pair "real" WC batteries I want to explore the alternatives. For the past 11 years I've always used regular ol' lead-acid deep-cycle wet batteries, they're fine except that they require semi-monthly inspection of the water levels. What about sealed "no maintenance" batteries? I've heard of people trying these, how long do they last (on a "how far can you go on a charge" and on a "months of service" basis)? What about the new gel cell batteries? Anybody using these things? What about dealers? Do people deal with a medical supply house or does anyone go directly to a battery wholesaler? Thanks in advance -- Edward C. Bennett - The other MMDF guy edward@twg.com The Wollongong Group (415) 962-7252 1129 San Antonio Road, Palo Alto, CA 94303 "He's become a growling, snarling mass of white-hot canine terror" ------ Subject: TTY Specs Written by: rbarth@tumtum.cs.umd.edu (Richard Rbarth) In Digest Issue #1117 Stephen.White@p1.f853.n681.z3.fidonet.org (Stephen White) Organization: FidoNet node 3:681/853.1 writes: To: rbarth@tumtum.cs.umd.edu Via: 1:141/420 I have finally gotten this book: written by Frederick Emmons Terman? Printed 1943. Appears to be the first edition. I cannot find any reference to Baudot. Could you give me the page numbers please? Thanks. My own issue is somewhat later than 1943, and I don't think Terman is the editor. Unfortunately the book is at the office and I'm not, so I can't verify this. Tell you what - send me your snailmail address and I'll Xerox the thing and mail it to you. ------ ----------------------------- Richard Barth, W3HWN, rbarth@tumtum.cs.umd.edu Handicapped Educational Exchange... (301) 593-7033 (TDD & 300 baud ASCII) (301) 593-7357 (300/1200 baud, 8N1) 11523 Charlton Drive, Silver Spring MD 20902 ------ Subject: Re: Feldene Written by: era@ncar.ucar.edu (Ed Arnold) Organization: Scientific Computing Division/NCAR, Boulder, CO In article <10401@bunker.UUCP> Orville.Bullitt@f36.n135.z1.fidonet.org writes: >Index Number: 6960 > > Does anyone on this echo have any experience with Fledene (c) by >Pfizer pharmaceuticals? I have an L5-S1 spondololisthesis that was >agrivated in an accident about 19 months ago. I've been on 20 mg of >Feldene per day for about 10 days and it seems to be relieving the >pain. Not personal experience, but my father has been taking it for years to help pain due to injuries to several discs. A couple comments: 1) In *many* users, it damages the stomach lining and digestive tract after being used for a long (years) period of time. This is what has happened to my father. His doc has tried to get him off of it for intermittent periods to let the stomach heal. It can cause ulceration and digestive tract bleeding. 2) I asked a D.O. what he thought of the medication, esp in the case of someone like my father, who is over 65. His response was that he would consider it *malpractice* for any doctor to prescribe Feldene without also requiring periodic liver and renal function tests, as it can be damaging to both liver and kidneys. He feels the testing should be done for individuals in any age group, but more frequently for older persons. Still, Feldene is, for some people, the MOST effective pain reliever they can find. My father has tried a number of pain relievers, but it seems like he always comes back to Feldene because that's what works. -- Ed Arnold * NCAR * POB 3000, Boulder, CO 80307-3000 * 303-497-1253(w) era@ncar.ucar.edu [] * era@ncario.bitnet * era@ncar.uucp "See, the human mind is kind of like ... a pinata. When it breaks open, there's a lot of surprises inside." --Jane Wagner/Lily Tomlin ------ Subject: MS Written by: lee@smiley.mitre.org (Annabelle Lee) Linda - there are many people on this net that have MS - myself included. What would you like to know??? Regards, - Annabelle Lee, phone: (703) 883-7105 The MITRE Corporation, 7525 Colshire Drive Mc Lean, VA 22102 Mail Stop Z268 (new mail stop) e-mail address: lee%smiley@gateway.mitre.org ------ ****** End of Issue # 1120 of the Handicap Digest ******