Check this out. . . Information *does* need to verified. We have most powerful tools of the *coming* information age. These new-fangled tv sets we talk with and read from to pass along and obtain info have been linked to the rapid changes in Eastern Europe, and are used daily in intelligence operations and media communications. RE: the possibility that the holocaust did NOT occur - I *do* wonder about the leanings of people who take the time to try and dismiss the atrocities which occured in NAZI Germany. The evidence that six million Jews were killed is overwhelming. Tring to pick nits and say, uh, there is no more gas left on the walls so therefore it didn't happen (or probably didn't happen) or gee, we can't find any lampshades does not, to me, say, aw, it's just a bunch of misinformation from that evil ole govt. I've been to Dachau, luckily not when it was operating. Hey folks - Dachau is a really *horrible* place. There are pictures of the conditions, a museum of artifacts ranging from stolen clothing to media representations of the Jews (and other non-Aryans) and the dissedents. People like the folks who *object* to lies and falsity. Gee, kinda like lots of people on this net, huh??? This guy named Smith, and his questioning, well, go ahead and question. But please, listen to what you hear, believe what you see. The evidence, in our own little country, ranges from the World at War clips of the liberation, lectures from survivors, the Ann Frank diary, many books articles and television documentaries. Dachau was bad, but was a relatively benign environment, compared to the death camps of Auchwicz and Theriesenstaat. Dachau was created right after Hitler became chancellor in 1933. The opposition political leaders were the first to be sent there. Following them were other political dissidents, malcontents, Jews, Gypsies, homosexuals. The process of handling all of these people became too much and more camps were built. Along the way, the propogandacists kept the fury of hate, mistrust and evil whipped up, so that the Fianl Solution could be carried out by mislead and myopic minions of the Reich. I suggest reading more than one mans own interpretation to the holocaust. I suggest reading more than one mans own interpretation to any piece of information. And with the amount of info available on the holocaust, i find it hard to believe a rational person could come to any other conclusion than it *did* happen, and to be on guard against people who want to pass off that it didn't. I fear i may be one of the first shipments to a "Dachau", if this country takes a turn for the worst. "got a kinder gentler machinegun. . ." -rob-