[bit.listserv.politics] My Last Couple Postings...

R3LLS@AKRONVM.BITNET (Larry L. Stimely) (02/08/90)

I have a feeling that I may really burn a lot of people off with the
few statements I am about to make, but no one will be satisfied until they
succeed in forcing Larry to air all of his dirty laundry, here to the users
of the list. OK--but you asked for it.

Politically, I am definitely far right--I realize that. I happen to attend
a university that openly recruits scores of minorities from underprivleged
backrounds, and this school is very nearly 60 percent black because of it.
These students attend school for next to nothing, and many are on complete
financial aid--this, in a state that is notorious for its lack of funding
for education, causes me to pay in excess of $100 per credit hour to attend
a school that is basically no better (and seen by a future employer as such)
than certain privately endowed institutions where students pay the same rate
after financial aid kicks in, and these schools have a hell of a lot more to
offer scholastically than does a commuter school like UA.

I was raised in a basically all-white community, and I still live at home
and attend classes. I HATE it--I'm going to graduate in about a year, and
will probably get a decent job (or something where they will pay for graduate
school) but I missed out on my "college experience" because of an accident of
fate. So be it. I am sick and tired of reading in the local liberal rag about
how our president (Dr. Muse) has decreed that all campus social functions are
to be curtailed because of the recent occurrance of campus mini-riots at
social functions planned, conducted, and attended by ONLY (and I do mean
ONLY, as in one-hundred percent) members of black Greek organizations. I am
damn sick and tired of hearing from our "Director for Minority Retention" about
how bad off these people have it and why we need a Black Computer Science
Club when the main evil that these social warriors are fighting is supposedly
segregation itself. She's another one who attained her credentials chiefly
through affirmative action. She's fake--and worthless, I might add.

Lastly (there are many more but I have a migraine tonight and can't stare at
the CRT much longer) I am tired of people who are too afraid to speak out
and tell the truth as I am doing now. I don't really care HOW Sasha and Jamie
feel, or how they attempt to cripple me and my arguments. Ideologically,
they're on the moon. The power structure in this country is never going to
allow the weenies and other tortured intellectual sloth to ruin The American
Dream. Hear me now: it will never happen! We may get ERA thirty or forty
years in the future, but there will be a pay-off somewhere along the line.
There always is--look at Prohibition. We will have drug legalization, because
someone, somewhere, will cook up a scheme to create wealth from it, and this
is why America is still a leader among nations. I DARE you to prove me wrong.

The minority elite in this country are singlehandedly ruining the Democratic
Party--and I think they now realize it, even though they may be too late.
The liberals in Congress and their constituents are pathetically out of
touch with the nation, and it may take them years to get back what they have
lost, with a 50/50 chance that the Democratic party itself may collapse under
its own weight. We are tired of the civil rights diatribe of the Sixties.
The Great Society DID NOT work! We want to build strong, durable financial
futures for ourselves and rebuild our industrial base so we can employ some
of these people who are standing in the bread lines but we will not succeed
unless everyone begins to pull their own weight.

Let's face some facts: there are problems with the races getting along in
this country. We are not Sweden, or Norway, or even Canada. We have a long
history of tension between the races, particularly in areas where affirmative
action is big, and where the economy is depressed, and Akron fits into that
category. They WANT it all--free tuition, doors forced open for them into
high paying jobs, favoritism in the college classroom at state universities,
(and when they screw up and get on academic probation, usually because they
have no business in college in the first place) and the list goes on forever.
Call me racist, call me whatever you wish, but these problems will be here
long after I am gone, and were here before I arrived. Remember that. It
is time that someone stood up and said ENOUGH IS ENOUGH, and I am prepared
to take that stand. I began subscribing to certain newspapers, and what
I read infuriated me--incredibly so. We will begin cleaning up the mess
by rebuilding our industry so that we can again build a quality automobile
(just like Honda, or Toyota) so we can put people who need jobs back to
work. If they screw up or otherwise don't do their jobs, we can them.
People learn from this, and if they sell crack, we throw them in the can!
If "the can" fills up, we build more prisons. You know the rest.

The free ride for certain sectors of the population must stop. Forced
integration is a failure, and metro Cleveland is a perfect case study to
prove that argument. The blacks live on the east side, and whites on the
west. It was like that 20 years ago, and is like that now, 10 years after
Judge Battisti's famous court order. He spent a lot of money, ruined
thousands of lives, trashed a perfectly good school system, and accomplished
absolutely nothing. And guess what?? He's another damn good-for-nothing
liberal Democrat, too!

NOW I'm finished.


JWALES3@UA1VM.BITNET (Jimbo) (02/09/90)

******** Larry defines himself for us **********

>Politically, I am definitely far right--

No kidding?

******** Larry protests unjust segregation ********

> I am damn sick and tired of hearing from
> our "Director for Minority Retention" about
>how bad off these people have it and why we need a Black Computer Science
>Club when the main evil that these social warriors are fighting is supposedly
>segregation itself.

I agree with Mr. Stimely here: clubs such as Black Computer Science Club
are offensive to people with any color skin.  The end to segregation will
not come through such separatist clubs.  Larry: to protest, why don't you
try to JOIN that club!

******** Three sentences by Larry *********

>Lastly (there are many more but I have a migraine tonight and can't stare at
>the CRT much longer) I am tired of people who are too afraid to speak out
>and tell the truth as I am doing now. I don't really care HOW Sasha and Jamie
>feel, or how they attempt to cripple me and my arguments. Ideologically,
>they're on the moon.

1> I, for one, am afraid of nothing: here is the truth: your writing style
is horrid, and you seldom come to a point.  You never answer legitimate
questions about your ideology, and you never try to substantiate your

2> You don't care what Jamie and Sasha have to say, and how they try to
cripple you and your arguments.  Does this mean that you refuse to try to
learn anything?  What do they do to 'cripple' your arguments?  I argue with
the both of them all the time, and they don't cripply me.  I win some points,
they win some points.

3> Ideologically, they are on the moon.  So are you, my friend.  So are you.

******* Larry on The Drug Problem ********

>There always is--look at Prohibition. We will have drug legalization, because
>someone, somewhere, will cook up a scheme to create wealth from it, and this
>is why America is still a leader among nations. I DARE you to prove me wrong.

>People learn from this, and if they sell crack, we throw them in the can!
>If "the can" fills up, we build more prisons. You know the rest.

Let me get this straight.  America is a leader among nations, because
someone somewhere will cook up a scheme to create wealth from drug
legalization, and America ought to build more prisons, if necessary,
to throw people in jail for selling drugs.  I can't even figure out
what this is supposed to mean!

>NOW I'm finished.

Are you?  I am just getting going good, myself.

******** Three easy questions for Larry *******

I have a series of questions which I dare you to answer.  You claim to
be unafraid to 'speak the truth'... so speak to me about these:

1> I, of course, agree with you that forced integregation is wrong, and
a failure.  Do you advocate forced segregation?

2> Do you think that black people are inherently (genetically) inferior
to whites?  How does your opinion about this translate into political

3> Do you think that gay people ought to be prosecuted by the law?  Should
there be laws against certain forms of 'unnatural' behavior?


JWS@BROWNVM.BITNET (Joseph Sullivan) (02/11/90)

Larry Stimely writes:

<We have a long history of tension between the races..

 ....a condition that you insist upon prolonging with your provocative and
 pointless postings of news stories about racial attacks. You don't know
 anything about Blacks Americans, except fear.

UN023077@WVNVMS.BITNET (Bruce M. MacIsaac) (02/13/90)

>We will have drug legalization, because
>someone, somewhere, will cook up a scheme to create wealth from it, and this
>is why America is still a leader among nations. I DARE you to prove me wrong.

I don't know what this has to do with the rest of this posting, but I for
one am a proponent of marijuana legalization at least and possibly
cocaine as well. It is clearly the simplest answer to a great many of the
nation's problems. If particularly marijuana were made legal, and brought
under the control of federal government, taxed like alcohol and tobacco with
the revenue spicifically earmarked for the repayment of the national debt,
we could be back in the black in a decade.

The Americian farmer would be back in business with a viable cash crop which
has a very good market and does not require a tremendous amount of care. With
the farmer working, the farm machinery, and automobile industries get a boost
which in turn will stimulate the steel industry, etc.

At the same time, legalization removes the motive for the underworld crime
syndicate to be involved, which in turn would reduce the pressure on our
youth to begin/continue/escalate to harder stuff their drug use. Not to mention
the tremendous resources required to fight an impossible "drug war".

>The liberals in Congress and their constituents are pathetically out of
>touch with the nation, and it may take them years to get back what they have
>lost, with a 50/50 chance that the Democratic party itself may collapse under
>its own weight. We are tired of the civil rights diatribe of the Sixties.
>The Great Society DID NOT work! We want to build strong, durable financial
>futures for ourselves and rebuild our industrial base so we can employ some
>of these people who are standing in the bread lines but we will not succeed
>unless everyone begins to pull their own weight.

I agree that congress IS out of touch with reality. Throwing money at a problem
is not and never has been a viable solution to anything. Yet who have we to
blame? Have we ourselves not elected these people? Have we not ourselves
through voter apathy and laziness allowed the news media to decide for us
who will run, let alone who will win every election?

>They WANT it all--free tuition, doors forced open for them into
>high paying jobs, favoritism in the college classroom at state universities,
>(and when they screw up and get on academic probation, usually because they
>have no business in college in the first place) and the list goes on forever.

Much of what is said here seems true. Certainly blacks were abused by our
ancestors. Much injustice has been done. That injustice is not corrected
by an attitude of preference BECAUSE of race however. What we have created
is a class of people who will not take any initiative to help themselves
because WE have taught them that minorities should have everything handed to
them. Then resentment builds as things don't get better. There was an article
last year in our local paper from the head of the local NAACP complaining
that only two blacks had been interviewd for positions as police officers. He
didn't pay any attention to the fact that only two had applied however. He
maintained that the police chief should go to extraordinary measures to recruit
black officers. The job advertisement ran in several papers as well as the
local job service. If I didn't take the time to look for and apply for a job, I
could hardly blame someone else because I didn't get one now could I?

Another example to look at is the Hatian communities in Florida. These people
are not only black, but have a language barrier as well. Many of them through
effort and hard work have made a place for themselves there and are advancing
economically at a respectable rate. The difference is their willingness to
work hard to overcome their own obsticles rather than to wait for the
government to do it for them.

>I began subscribing to certain newspapers, and what
>I read infuriated me--incredibly so. We will begin cleaning up the mess
>by rebuilding our industry so that we can again build a quality automobile
>(just like Honda, or Toyota) so we can put people who need jobs back to

This is the scarry part. Our black community does indeed suffer from many
problems, some of their own making and some inflicted by prejudice. Thorwing
money at the problem is not the answer, but neither is militant racisim.
This country seems to be moving closer and closer to the point where the
posibility of another Hitler arises. It is much easier to blame one's
problems on someone else. The rags which promote this kind of inflamitory
prejudice are dangerous to our scoiety. The real answer lies in our local
communities and individuals being willing to get involved in each others
lives with charity where it is required, encouragement always and true concern
for one's neighbor. I realize this is asking alot. I realize I will probably
never see it. I also know that it certainly is not possible to force a
nation's citizens to love one another. It is clrealy so much easier to hate.
Hate is what made Hitler powerfull and we are setting the same stage in
America. Love is a much better answer.

>The free ride for certain sectors of the population must stop. Forced
>integration is a failure,

Each voluntarily taking care of his own within his/her community and voluntary
integration make much more sense.


Bruce M. MacIsaac