[net.space] Space Toilets

PARK@SRI-AI.ARPA (08/31/84)

From:  Bill Park <PARK@SRI-AI.ARPA>

In any good bookstore, the large-format paperback ... 

Joels, K. M., Kennedy, G.P., and Larkin, D., @i{The Space Shuttle
Operator's Manual}, New York, Ballantine Books (1982).

... see Chapter 2.17, "Personal Hygiene and Waste Management"

Peter.Su%CMU-CS-GANDALF@sri-unix.UUCP (09/04/84)

Here's a post that is not mine:

Date: 3 Sep 84 19:17:46 EDT
Subject: Space Toilets

Thought you all might be interested in this, from Ben Bova's introduction
to _Callahan's Crosstime Saloon_, by Spider Robinson...

"I remember getting a newspaper cliping from Spider which showed a NASA
drawing of the design for a toilet to be used under zero-gravity
conditions in the Skylab satellite.  (NASA has problems that thee and me
can't even guess at.)  The cutaway drawing of this engineering marvel
showed that there was a rotating blade inside the toilet bowl, to 
'seperate the liquid from the solid wastes,' as NASA's engineers 
euphemistically put it.

"Spider, in his scrawly handwriting, had scribbled across the top of
the cliping a brief note, followed by an arrow that pointed unerringly
to the bowl and the seperator blade. The note said, 'Ben: Near as I
can figure it, the shit is supposed to hit the fan...'"

Dave Lewis


GMeredith.es@XEROX.ARPA (09/04/84)

I am relieved to learn of the workings of the Space Toilet.

The incident on the shuttle over the weekend left me somewhat concerned
and speculating about orbital characteristics of ejected substances and
specifically about orbital decay.  You see, if the boil-off of ice
formed from the liquid material should be able to  shield the solid
waste during reentry...


mcgeer%ucbkim%Berkeley@sri-unix.UUCP (09/05/84)

From:  Rick McGeer (on an aaa-60-s) <mcgeer%ucbkim@Berkeley>

	Happens from 747's all the time.  See, as Spider Robinson pointed
out in Callahan's Crosstime Saloon, you don't need to go to war to get hit
with an icy bm...


kimball@uiucdcsb.UUCP (09/23/84)

> I am relieved to learn of the workings of the Space Toilet.
> The incident on the shuttle over the weekend left me somewhat concerned
> and speculating about orbital characteristics of ejected substances and
> specifically about orbital decay.  You see, if the boil-off of ice
> formed from the liquid material should be able to  shield the solid
> waste during reentry...

	Well, that would be an icy BM, of course . . .