[bit.listserv.politics] how do you 'persuade' people to pay?


mark -
        education, environmental protection and many others (is this where
you insert IBM, phones, trains) are broad based systems, almost, in one
sense, ideas to deal with.

        i am wondering why you say that peter's comment is an excellent

reason to justify nationalization of the things in ().  Do you mean
that because IBM computers and services are so expensive they should be
(mis)managed by the govt?  There is a big difference between obtaining
clean air and a robust educational system (which could make $$$ for the
owners - mainly in reduced health costs for pollution and higher paying,
more intersting jobs for education - with the owners being the citizens
of the planet in common) and the operations of the trains, planes, phones
and Big Blue.  The latter can show a definite profit (loss) from events
taking place, while the citizens will experience marginal benefits from
the very expensive task of cleaning up past mistakes and preventing future
