(508) (03/20/90)
In a previous article some fellow inquired if the GNU development tools would build and run on MassComp/Concurrent boxes. The answer is apparently "yes". I asked around and several people here have ported the GNU tools, just for fun. The machines that I heard mentioned were the 6300 and the 6700. Also ported were g++, gas, gdb, and such. The portation process was reportedly fairly painless and the fixes for the few problems encountered were submitted to the FSF. The last version that anybody here ported was somewhere around 1.35, so I don't know whether those fixes are in the latest distribution (? 1.37 ?) from the FSF. I'm sorry to only have secondhand info to report, for now. Someday, maybe I'll find the time to play with all of these cool tools and then I'll be able to pass along some firsthand results. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Michael O'Donnell (508)392-2915 home(508)251-7576 fax(508)692-???? ___________ / ________/__ ...!{harvard,uunet,petsd}!masscomp!mod /__/_______/ / Concurrent /__________/ Computer Corporation 1 Technology Way Westford, MA 01886 DISCLAIMER: My opinions only coincidentally resemble those of my employer. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Articles to: or uunet!!concurrent Administrative stuff: Stan Barber, Moderator