eugene@ames.UUCP (Eugene Miya) (10/18/84)
[] The NASA publication Spinoff 1984 is now available from the Government Printing office in Washington DC, 20402. I do not know the price. I am not able to summarize it for the net because of its structure (too large). Spinoff is the technology distribution publication for those of you who argue for the space programs spinoffs. Our news feed has been down several days. I have returned from the ACM Conference and various Cray meetings I have attended. I can take limited NASA queries for information (employment or technical), but I warn that it is limited. As soon as Amdahl puts uucp in UTS, three more NASA Centers will be able to join us on the net. Also, uucp on native VMS will also help here (Yes, I know about vortex!lauren). --eugene miya NASA Ames Res. Ctr. {hplabs,ihnp4,dual,hao,vortex}!ames!aurora!eugene emiya@ames-vmsb.ARPA