[bit.listserv.info-gcg] Further thoughts for version 7 wishlist


        It seems to me, from reading the V 7 wishlist mail regarding interfaces
and ease of use, that one needs to define, in the context of VMS, what
constitutes a reasonable level of interface. In my terms that means:
        1. That users are able to learn a few basic commands in DCL, like
HELP (!), and COPY and DELETE, and EDT and TYPE, etc. Without those there
is no way to use the machine. (And the necessary ones are documented in
the GCG manuals).
        2. They need to be able to find the software that they need for
whatever analysis they are trying to do. So the VMS Help files from GCG are
an immensely useful resource to average users.
        3. They need to understand that for any program they simply need
type its name at the $ to run it. From there all text should be comprehensible,
and where possible prompts should give an effective default value. In my
experience this is true for all GCG software, and I have found few places
where one cannot see what to do next.

        Beyond that there a number of issues which cannot be solved however
one alters the interface:
        1. No matter what happens, if the user will not read what is displayed
on the screen in front of them (and in my experience with GCG and other
software, they do not do so), then it is impossible for them to use the
machine. It never ceases to amaze me how people refuse to read simple
English in front of them.
        2. Whether the software works by command line switches, sequential
prompts, or "boxes", the decisions are with the user, and in order for
this to work the user must understand what they are doing in conceptual terms.
Therefore they have to read something sometimes. From that point of view
the GCG manuals are pretty comprehensible to the avereage scientist.
        3. The problem of infrequent users is, I think, a misinterpretation is
the reality in the lab: most labs (or floors) have a few people with a
significant level of  knowledge. When the inexperienced need help they start by
asking that person. Usually they get started and then continue to pick up new
tips as time goes on. In the end a critical mass of knowledge is achieved and
things really get moving. That takes time, familiarity and encouragement; it is
frustrating for those who have to teach, but is more productive than analysing
the data for people and sending them away. "You drive" is the most effective
lesson anyone can get!

        Perhaps what I feel is that GCG have an interface which is pretty
close to right. There are some things which could change, for example:
distibuting an interface to batch queues, which could be simply interfaced on
each machine at the installation would be helpful; the setup of graphics is
easier than for V5, but we still simplified it one stage further with command
file to set up just the options appropriate to our machine and users
(effectively just the laser printers and Macs with Versaterm), and obviously
one can make many new symbols to incorporate your own prefered command line
switches. But these seem to me a matter of taste, not a major issue for
the programming staff at GCG.

        Everything I read here on this subject says "learn and teach" and stop
thinking that inexperienced users are hopeless. We also were all inexperienced
once, and now we are the ones who have the information to pass on!

        Now,,,, how about some serious suggestions for new programs for
version 7 ??

                Jasper Rees