[bit.listserv.info-gcg] phylogeny software

gribskov@FCRFV1.NCIFCRF.GOV (Gribskov, Michael) (02/14/90)

To expand on the earlier posting:

PHYLIP is a package of programs that implements many of the standard
programs as well as many recent advances in the derivation of phylogenies
from molecular sequence data.  It is widely used in evolutionary genetics.

Another fairly comprehensive program is PAUP, distributed by Dave
Swofford.  This package has the advantage of running of IBM-PC and
Macintosh.  I have the following addresses:

Swofford, Dave      -  DAVESWOF@UIUCVMD
Swofford, Dave      -  daveswof@vmd.cso.uiuc.edu    (ARPA)

Michael Gribskov