YABLONSKY@BIOVAX.BITNET (Michael D Yablonsky Dept of Molecular Karma at the Waksman (02/14/90)
I pulled this from Bionet. It was originally posted by Alan Rogers some time ago. I hope it's still valid information. \Anyone with an INTERNET connection can now get Joe Felsenstein's PHYLIP 3.2 \(a package of computer programs for inferring phylogenies) using "anonymous \ftp". Here's how: \ 1) Use your local system's version of FTP to connect to arsun.utah.edu (if \your system says it has never heard of arsun.utah.edu, try the number \ instead). \ 2) In response to the "login:" prompt, type "ftp". In response to the \"password:" prompt, type your last name. \ 3) Give the appropriate command to tell ftp that the data will be binary \(on my system you type "binary"). \ 4) Tell ftp to get the file pub/phylip.tar.Z (on my system you type \"get pub/phylip.tar.Z". \ 5) Get out of ftp. \ 6) Create a new directory, and move phylip.tar.Z into it. \ 7) Unpack the archive. If you have pdtar (Public Domain TAR), you can do \this by typing "pdtar zxvf phylip.tar.Z" on my unix system. If you don't \have pdtar, but are using unix, try typing "zcat phylip.tar.Z | tar xvf -". \If this doesn't work, consult your local guru. \ 8) Send mail to Joe Felsenstein telling him that you have PHYLIP 3.2. His \email addresses are: \ \ BITNET/EARNET: FELSENST@UWALOCKE \ FELSENST@LOCKE.HS.WASHINGTON.EDU \ uw-evolution!joe%entropy.ms.washington.edu@CUNYVM.CUNY.EDU \ uw-evolution!joe%entropy.ms.washington.edu@CUNYVM \ \ INTERNET (ARPANET): uw-evolution!joe@entropy.ms.washington.edu \ uw-entropy!uw-evolution!joe@beaver.cs.washington.edu \ \ UUCP: ... uw-beaver!uw-entropy!uw-evolution!joe \ \My internet address is rogers@arsun.utah.edu. \ \Alan Rogers \Department of Anthropology \University of Utah \Salt Lake City, UT 84112 \ \(801) 581-5529 Mike Yablonsky@mbcl.rutgers.edu