[bit.listserv.info-gcg] PHYLIP

gribskov@FCRFV1.NCIFCRF.GOV (Gribskov, Michael) (02/13/90)

My understanding is that PHYLIP is available at no charge from it's
author, Joseph Felsenstein.  I have the following addresses:

Felsenstein, Joseph -  FELSENST@UWALOCKE
Felsenstein, Joseph -  uw-beaver!uw-entropy!uw-evolution!joe     (UUCP)
Felsenstein, Joseph *  joe@genetics.washington.edu               (ARPA)

I think the last one is preferred.  If someone finds out details, I
suggest that they post it to infogcg.

Michael Gribskov

clark@MSHRI.UTORONTO.CA (02/14/90)

/My understanding is that PHYLIP is available at no charge from it's
/author, Joseph Felsenstein.  I have the following addresses:

   What's PHYLIP?

Steve Clark

clark@mshri.utoronto.ca  (Internet)
sinai@utoroci            (Netnorth/Bitnet)

GOLUB@PENNDRLS.BITNET (Ellis Golub) (02/14/90)

The following information was forwarded to me from Joe Felsenstein:

Received: from UWAVM by UWAVM.ACS.WASHINGTON.EDU (Mailer R2.04) with BSMTP id
 1766; Thu, 08 Feb 90 10:32:33 PST
Received: from evolution.genetics.washingto by UWAVM.ACS.WASHINGTON.EDU (IBM VM
 SMTP R1.2) with TCP; Thu, 08 Feb 90 10:32:32 PST
Received: by evolution.genetics.washington.edu
	(5.57/UW-NDC Revision: 2.1 ) id AA28149; Thu, 8 Feb 90 10:31:56 PST
From: Joe Felsenstein <joe@genetics.washington.edu>
Message-Id: <9002081831.AA28149@evolution.genetics.washington.edu>
Subject: Re: PHYLIP
To: GOLUB%PENNDRLS.BITNET@uwavm.acs.washington.edu (Ellis Golub)
Date: Thu, 8 Feb 90 10:31:55 PDT
In-Reply-To: <E03B8DBA1DDF00036E@locke.hs.washington.edu>; from
 "GOLUB@PENNDRLS.BITNET" at Feb 8, 90 0916
X-Mailer: ELM [version 2.2 PL0]

            PHYLIP - Phylogeny Inference Package (version 3.2)

This is a FREE package of programs for inferring phylogenies and carrying out
certain related tasks.  At present it contains 29 programs, which carry out
different algorithms on different kinds of data.  The programs in the package
      ---------- Programs for molecular sequence data ----------
  PROTPARS  Protein parsimony          DNAPARS  Parsimony method for DNA
  DNAMOVE   Interactive DNA parsimony  DNAPENNY Branch and bound for DNA
  DNABOOT   Bootstraps DNA parsimony   DNACOMP  Compatibility for DNA
  DNAINVAR  Phylogenetic invariants    DNAML    Maximum Likelihood method
  DNADIST   Makes distance matrix      RESTML   ML for restriction sites data
      ----------- Programs for distance matrix data ------------
  FITCH     Fitch-Margoliash and least-squares methods
  KITSCH    F-M and L-S methods with evolutionary clock
      ------- Programs for gene frequencies and continuous characters -------
  CONTML    Maximum likelihood method  GENDIST  Computes genetic distances
      ----------- Programs for discrete state data ------------
  MIX       Wagner, Camin-Sokal, and mixed parsimony criteria
  MOVE      Interactive Wagner, C-S, mixed parsimony program
  PENNY     Finds all most parsimonious trees by branch-and-bound
  BOOT      Bootstrap confidence interval on mixed parsimony methods
  DOLLOP, DOLMOVE, DOLPENNY, DOLBOOT   same as the preceding four
         programs, but for the Dollo and polymorphism parsimony criteria
  CLIQUE    Compatibility method        FACTOR   recodes multistate characters
      ---------- Programs for plotting trees and consensus trees --------
  PLOTREE, DOTREE   Draw phylogenies on pen plotters, dot-matrix printers
  PLOTGRAM, DOTGRAM  Draw cladograms and phenograms
  CONSENSE  Majority-rule and strict consensus trees

The package includes extensive documentation files which provide the
information necessary to use and modify the programs.

COMPATIBILITY:  The programs are written in a very standard subset of Pascal,
a language that is available on most computers (including microcomputers).  The
programs require only trivial modifications to run on most machines.  For
example, they work with only minor modifications with Turbo Pascal, and without
modification on VAX VMS Pascal.  Pascal source code is distributed in the
regular version of PHYLIP: compiled executable code is not.  To use this
version you must have access to a Pascal compiler.

DISKETTE FORMATS:  The package is distributed on a variety of microcomputer
diskette formats.  You should send formatted diskettes, which I will return
with the package written on them.  Unfortunately, I cannot write any Apple
formats.  See below for how many diskettes to send.  The programs on the
magnetic tape or electronic mail versions may of course also be moved to
microcomputers using a terminal program.

PRECOMPILED VERSIONS:  Precompiled executable programs for PCDOS systems,
produced by George D.F. Wilson, are available from me.  Specify the "PCDOS
executable version" and send the number of extra diskettes indicated
below.  An Apple Macintosh version with pre-compiled code is available from
Willem Ellis, Instituut voor Taxonomische Zoologie, Zoologisch Museum,
Universiteit van Amsterdam, Plantage Middenlaan 64,  1018 DH Amsterdam,
Netherlands, who should be contacted for details.

HOW MANY DISKETTES TO SEND:  The following table shows for different PCDOS
formats how many diskettes to send, and how many extra diskettes to send
for the PCDOS executable version:
   Diskette size      Density   For source code:   For executables also send:
    3.5 inch          1.44 Mb         2                    1
    5.25 inch         1.2 Mb          2                    1
    3.5 inch          720 Kb          4                    2
    5.25 inch         360 Kb          7                    4
Some other formats including CP/M-80 Kaypro II are available.  You MUST
tell me EXACTLY which of these formats you need.  The diskettes MUST be
formatted by you before being sent to me.  Sending an extra diskette may
be helpful.

NETWORK DISTRIBUTION:  The package is also available by distribution of the
source code and documentation files directly by electronic mail.  Keep in mind
that this involves sending 72 files and 2.2 Megabytes.  Contact me by
electronic mail to request this.  The package is also available by anonymous

TAPE DISTRIBUTION:  The programs are also distributed on a magnetic tape
provided by you (which should be a small tape and need only be able to hold
two megabytes) in the following format:  9-track, ASCII, odd parity,
unlabelled, 6250 bpi (unless otherwise indicated).  Logical record: 80-column
card image (80 bytes), physical record: 3200 bytes (i.e. blocking factor 40).
There are a total of 72 files.  The first one describes the contents of the

POLICIES:  The package is distributed free.  I do not make it available or
support it in South Africa.  The package will be sent by electronic mail
or written on the diskettes or tape, which will be mailed back.  They can be
sent to:
                                        Joe Felsenstein
                                        Department of Genetics SK-50
                                        University of Washington
Electronic mail addresses:              Seattle, Washington 98195,  U.S.A.
Internet/ARPANet:  joe@genetics.washington.edu
UUCP:          ... uw-beaver!evolution.genetics!joe


From the ashes of:
Ellis Golub
Biochemistry Department
University of Pennsylvania
School of Dental Medicine
4001 Spruce Street
Philadelphia, PA 19104-6003

Phone: (215) 898-4629

FAX: (215) 898-3695