DLV@CUNYVMS1.BITNET (Dimitri Vulis) (02/07/90)
Len the cat-lover said: >I was quite serious in my suggestion that the movies of John Wayne >exemplify Americanism. Fairness, respect for others and integrity are >central aspects of Americanism, and I think that John Wayne tried to >project these qualities in his movie roles. Your problem, Len, is that you can't separate a Hollywood fantasy from reality. The characters portrayed on screen by John Wayne, Ronald Reagan, Woody Allen and what's not may have nothing in common with the actors' real-life personalities. If you like John Wayne, you probably loved Rock Hudson and he turned out to be gay in real life. Likewise you see the life around you (in the racist, Klan-infested South) as depicted in the birth of the nation. Wake up and smell the feces, if you can. >I feel that we are lacking in true nationalism. Today we are mostly >consumed by "me-ism." A mindless selfishness which most generations >which have been raised since WWII have fallen heir to. That's right: I feel that the money I earn by hard work should not be taken away from me to support parasites like you. >By the way, thanks for the rational reply. It is a relief to see a >comment here which is not generated by an whining emotional adolescent. You are welcome, tovarishch (even though you did not deserve one). By the way, as JPH pointed out, I erred in my previous posting, Len did know what Hitler was not the kaiser.
PH408014@BROWNVM.BITNET (Tim Johnson) (02/08/90)
>Likewise you see the life around you (in the racist, Klan-infested South) >as depicted in the birth of the nation. YEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE Haaaaaaaaaah!! The South Shall Rise Again! And we're gonna burn New York to the ground! -Tim"Rhode Island Rebel"J (Y'all thought Sherman was bad? We haven't forgotten!)
LABBEY@GTRI01.BITNET (Leonard Abbey) (02/08/90)
At least the Klan and the subordinated ethnic gropus are not pink-o. Too bad about Dimitri. Leonard Abbey Georgia Tech Research Institute labbey@gtri01.gatech.edu