> SCIENTISTS' RESPONSIBILITY >Why scientists and engineers that work for military science and war industry >don't really think how the weapons, they've invated and builded, affect >people and environment? >All they think about is efficiency, productivity and money. Someone may argue >that he/she (mostly he) does his/her work because it's so "nice to do what >one wants to". And they really do believe so. But after all, how many of them >can really enjoy their work? All they think is how much money they make, how >many productive and effective weapons they have invated, and how they could >make even more effective weapons. >We need a thorough change in our thinking and in our values. We have to grow up >and realize that one can not measure happiness, life or anything else with >money. Greediness and the hunger for power only lead to self-destruction. >When we realize that money itself means nothing, we've come closer to a >better way of life. What do we do with all our money, cars, furs, jewellerys, >swimming pools, slalom equipments, tennis courts and with all the other crap >if someone presses the red button? If arms race goes on like this, sooner or >later someone will use THE BOMB and it will be all over for the HOMO SAPIENS. >There are no winners in a war. There has never been. >All those brains that work for war industry and for military science are >wasted. >Where is the responsibility for our acts? >Jorma Ronkainen >University of Oulu >Finland Oh, here we go again.....We get to hear from the liberal socialist camp about the evils of money and desire....We shouldn't want money, we shouldn't want this or that...What is it exactly that we are supposed to want... If people had no desire for wealth we never would have made it into space, we never would have developed computers (and therefore we'd never would be able to have e-mail) Nuclear weapons, and in fact, weapons of all types ARE dangerous, but, they HAVE secured the peace (however fragile) for nearly 50 years... You may argue that we'd all be better off if we hadn't developed Nuclear weapons, airplanes, space shuttles ect., but it seems to call up the familiar quote of "may all you ecological bastards freeze to death in the dark".......(don't get me wrong, I'm not saying we should just pollute the whole world, but we need to be reasonable) All the talk about people who want to make money makes me think you are jealous of people who have money. It is not always bad to WANT things!!! This hatred remindes me of the joke about Russians (which actually applies to many of the youth of the world now) An American, an Italian and a Russian were walking along the beach one day and they came upon a Jeanie bottle. The Jeanie popped out of the bottle and offered them each one wish.. The American said "I want to be the richest man in the world" The Italian asked "I would like to be the worlds greatest lover" The Russian Grunted "I want my neighboors cow dead" .........So for now on, can we all try to be productive memebers of the Earth rather than wishing our neighboors cow was dead. Jeffrey