[bit.listserv.emusic-l] Making MIDI Song Books


I teach computer music and conduct a synthesizer ensemble at the National Music
Camp at Interlochen, Michigan in the summer.  I never know how many students
will show up, how well they can play, or what synths they'll bring until just
before camp begins.  This makes it difficult to have music ready for them.

I had this great idea ...  There is a lot of public domain music out there enco
ded for the Deluxe Music Construction Set,  Concert Ware and MusicWorks.  If we
could convert this repetoire to standard MIDI files we could use it for all sort
s of things.

Here's what I can do:

        Convert the files to MIDI 0.06 format
        Read the MIDI files into Finale
        Move the notes around to make arrangements for 2-n synths
        Make some parts easier or harder depending on who will play them

Here's what I need to know:

        The formats for DMCS, CW+, and MusicWorks files
        Sources for other public domain music in machine readable form

If you can give me helpful information or would like to work with me on this pr
oject, let me know.