[bit.listserv.emusic-l] Midi songbooks

EHARNDEN@AUVM.BITNET (Eric Harnden) (02/11/90)

i'm sure that i've been seeing ads in EM for a while now for disks
that have songs in standard MIDI File Format, for playing by most
current sequencers. problem, i think, is that they're mostly popular
material, as opposed to classical or other non-top-40.

Eric Harnden (Ronin)                         Mailing From:
<EHARNDEN@AUVM>                              Physics Dept./Audio Tech.
Transmedia Music                             The American University
(202) 347-8050                               Wash., D.C


Yes, I looked through the January EM too but the only thing I saw was
something in the Twelve Tone Systems ad for James Romeos songs in
CaleWalk format.  These would work for my project but it would involve
translation from IBM to MAC (no particular problem) and sorting out
CakeWalks encoding method.

I did look at DMCS and ConcertWare files with a HexDump DA that came with
Think C.  DMCS has an export format that seems to be quite simple.  After
a long header (that you can safely throw away - I think) they settle down to
four TRAK's.  Each trak is a simple sequence of two byte packets - a key #
(same as MIDI's) with key 128 for a rest and a duration = 0 to 5 (whole note
to 32nd) - add 8 for a dotted note.  There is certainly more but this is a begin
My only hesitation in hacking through to the end is that someone has certainly d
   one this already.

ConcertWare's two byte packets put the duration first with values proportional
to the duration (whole = 48, 16th = 3, dotted quarter = 18, etc).  Pitch codes
have 24 for middle C. Add 1 for each scale step so D = 25 and the octave C = 31.
Add 64 is you want a sharp on it and 128 for a flat.

I haven't been able to figure out anything yet about MusicWorks.

DAIR@SCU.BITNET (Willis Dair) (02/13/90)

With this discussion of MIDI file formatted song files, I was wondering
if there is any interest in starting a library of songs.  Sometimes I
just want to get away from my own stuff and listen to other people's
pre-recorded sequences.  I have downloaded some sequences from IEMUG
and some other BBSs.  They are in Cakewalk format.  However, I have
version 3.0 of Cakewalk and would be willing to convert some of the
better ones to Cakewalk's purported MIDI file format for use in the
EMUSIC Listserver, if there is room there and if there is interest.

Another idea just popped up...  I have some PD sequences that only have
one track and need to be filled out; percussion, accompaniment...
Maybe someone can beef them up, improve on them and resubmit them to
the library.

What do you say folks?  Interested?

Willis Dair
Santa Clara University


I would be willing to contribute to a midi songbook/library.
