[bit.listserv.emusic-l] Logs found - Thanks, folks!

XRJDM@SCFVM.BITNET (Joe McMahon) (03/01/90)

Due to the efforts of our subscribers, we've found all of the EMUSIC
logs from the middle of March, 1989 to the present, execpt for the
last two weeks of June. An exellent job, folks!

Thanks to: Bob Messer
           Patrick Robinson
           Tom Crone
           Chris Iverson

           <applause, cheers>

If anyone can come up with EMUSIC-L LOG8906C or EMUSIC-L LOG8906D,
we'd have a pretty complete set. I think there may have been some from
before that, but this is really excellent. I'll be storing the old
issues offline here at SCFVM, so they will still be available.

 --- Joe M.