Has anyone heard the entire album by John Bonham's son? Does it all sound like Zeppelin? Is it any good? RUXPIN ps. maybe someone should look into starting a rascism discussion on bitnet
CM193C@GWUVM.BITNET (Michael Rosen) (02/05/90)
I haven't heard the entire album, but what I've heard sounds exactly like Zeppe lin. He even got a singer that sounds like Robert Plant... I guess it's not a ll that bad, I mean, he is John Bonham's son. Unlike Kingdom Clone who just ba sically stole riffs. By the way, if you don't already know it, Kingdom Clone b roke up a while ago (hooray, loud clapping). Mike
The singer for Bonham is Daniel MacMaster, I've had 'The Disregard of Timekeeping' for about 4 or 5 months now and I think it's great!! It does sound like Zeppelin, which is something they've been criticized for, but if Ziggy can do it why can't Jason, as long as they do it well. Jeff B., thanx for the Billie Holiday info, I really didn't expect any response to the question, I've been pleasantly surprised, btw what city do you usually gig in? the mislead drum, (new) Crimson and Bauhaus are worlds apart, I think the girl that told you this must be *brain damaged* 8-)!! I've heard very little Bauhaus, but they remind me of a cross of Joy Division and some of the earlier Cure. I'm not really into christian bands too much, but one of my favorite bands right now is Kings X, they're not really christian but do sing about ethical and moral issues. I'm surprised I've never seen them mentioned on allmusic considering how good they are. Rando
SEG92@GENESEO.BITNET (the Talking Drum) (02/06/90)
Rando-- Gee, I guess you must be right . . . Joy Division and The Cure?!?!? Have you heard any old Crimson? It varies most widely from both the new stuff and any other old stuff. Kings X? Tell me more. --the disinformed drum