[bit.listserv.allmusic] Expertise....



    Overseer here....I have wrestled for....let's see...4th, 5th,6th,t
7th, 8th,9th,10th,11th,12th,college 1....

    I have wrestled for 9-10 years and you dont see me bragging....
2nd in the state at 98 pds. my junior yr. in HS, and the same my seniior
year at 112 pds.....

Humility is a virtue....I think....My Catholic education is not as
complete as I would like....


GWO101@URIACC.BITNET (Michael Lehnertz (Drummer)) (02/07/90)

   I was just saying how long I have been play drums. Ease up. As I recall,
someone ELSE posted how long they had played before I had. Take a chill pill
man... Sheesh, I wasn't bragging.

                                    - Drummer -

ST402711@BROWNVM.BITNET (Tim Johnson) (02/07/90)

Okay then Drummer and Overseer.

Lessee....college 2..3..4  grad school 2..3..4..5,
one undergrad intramural championship, two city league
championships, and 5 consecutive intramural championships
in grad school (with only 1 match lost in 5 seasons),
undefeated so far in pursuit of championship 6 in VOLLEYBALL!

So there!


SEG92@GENESEO.BITNET (the Talking Drum) (02/08/90)

And anyway, it's not how long you've played or how well you play, it's how well
you set your sights and how much your playing pleases yourself.  I have played
for four years now and am better than people who hve been playing longer . . .
but at the same time, I know a guy who has been playing 1.5 years and can kick
the sh*t out of me behind his set.  Who cares?  What difference does it make?
Music is for personal enjoyment, not for anything else (what else could it be
used for?  It's all subjective.) and it is therefore  impossible to brag about.
--the philosophical drum